I cant believe you guys are still giving some of these people your time.
"Well i just dont 'feel' the theory of gravity is right....... my friend told me its not true and it doesnt feel right to me."
Are you willing to read a physics book on it or see some evidence....? We have plenty you know?
"Well I just dont 'feel' that the THEORY of gravity is real, I mean afterall ...lol.... they call it a theory still !"
Erm yeah... theory in science has a different meaning.
No...it actually does.... it means something else to what you think it means.... here ill show you if....
"Well I dont 'feel' like its true, afterall I have never seen this 'GRAVITY' and scientists admit that there is NO actual evidence, just a THEORY based on observation!"
The irony is, I have never ever, ever heard a christian deny gravity. Why? If they are so keen for evidence and no gaps in a theory, how do any of them garner the faith to get on a plane.... or up on those cloudy soap boxes, oh wait gravity doent contradict their religion to pieces !
The deeper irony is THERE IS MORE EVIDENCE for evolution than there is for gravity. IF these people you are talking to got off their flabby arses and went to a museum THEY WOULD SEE a human ancestor right in front of them, or a fossil from millions of years ago. They would go to a library and get a book on one of the myriads of topics and discussions we cover here..... THEY DONT WANT TO , THEY DONT WANT TO KNOW THE ANSWERS !
They NEVER will go to a library or a museum.... they DONT WANT to know. In the same circumstance we picked up the book and dropped a few coins into the museum money box and found ourselves ticking the 'Heathen' box at the polling station and swearing our loyalty to such crusaders of truth, justice, wisdom and power...as Hitchens, Dawkins, Hawking and alike.
Use your time on people that come here fresh faced and keen to know the truth. In my humble but harsh opinion, I think you are waisting your time trying to convince people that get offered the evidence, say nothing then days later repeat the question.... this cycle has continued for months. Either they are waisiting your time on purpose, suffering a pathology of memory loss confusion paranoia and delirium or ignorant beyond belief
.....or merely stuck in their way...for their way tells themeverlasting life / heaven / ressurection / no pain awaits, our way promises a whole heap questions and a whole heap of nothing when you die, (just like the animals and human ancestors in their way).....
Its a shame, they just dont see the beauty in the preciousness of life and the true value of time ... hence perhaps... leave them to it.
Snare x
P.s. Dont waist your life dissecting sentances on this forum, highliting them and answering them with verses you yourselves admit are not all wholly written by god. It may make you feel better inside, but its temporary and you are only doing all this mental gymnastic work for self appeasment. Go outside, enjoy the sunshine or the rain. Even if you insist in believing that you are right and we are wrong, go enjoy your life (within your chosen intepretations parameters).... and dont throw away another minute....just in case this is all there is.