Do they realize how stupid they look?

by jam 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    Moshe; so true(blow to their ego)

    Yes, when I stop bending over and let them kick

    me in the rear, that,s when the fun begain.

    There are more family members that are not JW,s.

    So over the years (since1993) they are being shun

    by none JW family members, and they think it,s wrong.

  • Morbidzbaby

    I highly doubt they know how ludicrous they look to outsiders. This is their way of appearing righteous in their own eyes and giving themselves a good "encouraging experience" to share later on at the KH. Little do they realize that while they're trying to maintain their own "righteousness", they're giving a VERY bad witness to others who don't understand WHY they are behaving that way.

    If I invited people to come and have such an expensive meal and then they decided to sit there and twiddle their thumbs and not eat what I've provided for them...well, they would have gotten the finger instead of a doggie bag! You eat what I've provided DURING the meal and then you can take leftovers home...that's fine. But refusal to eat because someone you disapprove of is sitting there and eating too? Yeah, you don't deserve to be able to take my food home.

  • jam

    morbibzbady; The more he tried in explain there

    action the more ludicrous it became, especially when

    they ask for A doggie bag. Folks, we were in that nutty


  • Bangalore

    Quite bad manners and disrespect to the host.


  • notjustyet

    And at the end of the meal the Aunt comments that she has decided who will inherit her fortune by viewing the conduct of the guest.

    All joking aside, I wonder if this was the actual agenda and it was known in advance would they have acted differently?

    Would reminds me of the family in "Second Hand Lions" (Movie)

  • blond-moment

    What a fine witness of what a loving organization this is. I am sure the unbelieving relatives just can't wait to be part of it.

    It's a good thing tho, seriously, more people need to see the reality of the WT first hand.

  • panhandlegirl

    Had a simiar experience at a family reunion. My sister and her family, about 8 JWS, who brought most of the food, left when my younger brother an me, both df'd, entered the room. I thought it was so funny. We ate the food and danced. They went home without touching any of the food. Surprised they didn't take it with them!!

  • Chariklo

    This shunning is so very sad. I have a friend in her eighties who can't have anything to do with two grandsons because they were disfellowshipped when they were in their teens for the mildest of misdemeanours as students. In fact, only one did it...smoked a bit of pot I think...his brother just wouldn't condemn the older sibling and both were out. Neither wants to return.

    That means too that their mother and father also have nothing to do with them and yes, the father is an elder. And yet these are nice people. How can anyone choose to have nothing to do with their children? I couldn't.

    jam, that was a really funny story. Incredible, made good reading. I sawe it almost set out as in a situation comedy...had me chuckling away in front of the computer. Thanks!

  • ziddina
    "... They went home without touching any of the food. Surprised they didn't take it with them!!...." Panhandle Girl

    Hee hee!!

    They were probably afraid the food might have picked up cooties - er, "demunzzzzz" - if they took it with them...

    Hee hee hee heee!!!

    All the more food for you!!

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    What I honestly would like to know is who do they think they are hurting, I mean teaching a lesson to?

    Shunning is nothing but giving someone an extreme silent treatment.

    The only person ever taught a lesson by the silent treatment is the silent individual.

    This is something we learn as children, so the jokes on them for being so childish!

    And I think asking for a doggie bag was equivalent to stomping their feet and shouting IT'S NOT FAIR!

    Usually we stop having temper tantrums like that by about age 6 or 7.

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