Anybody here vegan?

by Dagney 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    I remember you telling be about the artichokes.

    I lean toward the mediterranian diet, generally. I'm not a bad eater. You were vegetarian a while back, are you eating meat now?

  • Magwitch

    I just made the leap about a month ago. My daughters have been vegans for about 5 years and are the picture of health and vitality. At 46 years old and no perfect paradise around the corner, I feel the clock ticking on my body. I am not ready yet for prescriptions and doctor visits; so I felt this was definitely worth a try. I go to Whole Foods every morning and pick up my food for the day. I am fanatical about my vitamins (We absolutely need to take B-12). I always said I could never live without cheese and red meat, but somehow have managed thus far. I feel fantastic!

    Two books that inspired me....The SELF HEALTH Revolution (though not really a vegan book) and Skinny Bitch (don't let the title scare you)

  • cofty

    So why did god make cows out of meat?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I eat red meat twice a month. Chicken 2-3 times a week. The rest is fish or vegetarian.

  • talesin

    wha -- I love the artichoke suggestion. Will try that, fer sure!

    Dagney - I like this -----> more plant based diet, I think that is key, and the mediterranean diet thing ----> olive oil! I am a cheese lover, and buy *real* parmesan, and grate it myself. It's a hard cheese, low in fat and cholesterol, and very flavourful - you don't need much. You may want to investigate other hard cheeses and how they may be beneficial.

    **Just saw the other comments,, that is about the same as me, wha,,, red meat a few times a month, other flesh 3-4 days a week, and lots'o'beans!


  • straightshooter

    I eat red meat once a week, chicken twice a month, fish three times a month. The rest is veggies.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    and wine Tali, although legumes are also a prominant part of that diet

  • Dagney

    @ Magwitch: It's good to know it is working for you and your daughters. I started hyperventilating a little yesterday with the thought of no meat and cheese...but feel better today about it. I'll be sure and take the B12. It does confirm how good people feel along with the few I do know. You are right about no paradise in the foreseeable best to do what we can to feel as good as we can for as long as we can.

    @ cofty: Dunno. I don't understand anyting god does. ;-)

    @ talesin: I didn't know that about parmesan. If that is the case, I'm getting it. I was just using feta for a long while.

    I could probably do meat a few times a month. I don't "love" chicken, but eat it for protein. But I LOVE sushi. That would be impossible for me I think, to give that up entirely. We'll see.

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    I really don't like the fact that Dagney asked if there were any Vegans here and a bunch non-Vegans decided to answer giving a bunch of misinformation. Dagney I have been 100% Vegan for the past four years and would be happy to answer any questions you have.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    do u eat capsules Phili?

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