Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-25-2012 WT Study (WHOLE-SOULED)

by blondie 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-25-2012 WT Study (JANUARY 15, 2012, pages 21-25 )(WHOLE-SOULED)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

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    “Whatever you are

    doing, work at it

    whole-souled as to

    Jehovah.”—COL. 3:23.



    How can we honor Jehovah in

    our everyday activities?


    What sacrifices do we make in

    our worship of God?


    How can we offer our material

    things to Jehovah?


    Where you around from 1976 to 1980 when the WTS flip-flopped on what a sacrifice was, sacred service?

    So a “sacrifice” is “sacred service”…remember how the WTS backtracked on what “sacred service” was, a sacrifice?

    ***w76 10/1 pp. 598-600 Rendering Sacred Service Night and Day ***


    9 “Sacred service,” then, is not something that occupies only a portion of our lives. It is not limited to just one activity or a certain number of activities but it takes in every aspect of our daily living. It can be summed up by these words: ‘Keep doing all things as unto Jehovah, whether eating or drinking or doing any other thing.’ (1 Cor. 10:31) Showing how all-embracing this service should be, the apostle says at Romans 12:1, 2: “I entreat you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. And quit being fashioned after this system of things.”

    14 Husbands and wives can render “sacred service” by making their marriage successful and an honor to God’s institution of marriage. A man or a woman may be very kind and pleasant to others, patiently putting up with mistakes or even suffering indignities and injuries from them without retaliation. But when it comes to the marriage mate, a husband or a wife may be quick to anger, ‘reading between the lines’ of what the mate says, with a ‘chip-on-the-shoulder’ attitude, looking for an occasion to find fault. Or the couple may cut off communication with each other. No matter what other things a married person may do, he or she is not fully rendering acceptable “sacred service” to God if he or she ignores the sacred marriage covenant.—Eph. 5:22-25, 29.

    15 Housewives have a fine opportunity to perform acceptable “sacred service” to God. Their fine works that others can see would certainly include keeping a neat, clean house, taking care of the cooking and the clothing needs of the family. For what is more on display to others than one’s home? A wife’s hospitality, her readiness to help her neighbors, particularly her willingness to ‘put herself out’ to assist other sisters in the congregation in whatever their needs may be—these are sacrifices in which God is well pleased. When people know these things about her, then her public declaration of the good news in the congregation territory will have a more powerful influence.—Acts 9:36-41; Titus 2:4, 5.

    16 If children in the household are concerned with rendering “sacred service” to Jehovah they can show respect for their father and help their mother in bringing honor to God by helping them to keep the house in good, clean order. And where parents are not in the truth the children can do much in this way to cause the parents to honor God. Their conduct before schoolmates, respect for teachers, telling others about the good news when opportunity affords and working closely with the congregation in things done at the Kingdom Hall and sharing in the field service, certainly are things God counts as “sacred service” to him. (Prov. 20:11; Titus 2:6-8) A good test of your service, as to whether it is true “sacred service” or not, is the question you might ask yourself: ‘Do I go in the field service, perhaps carrying Bible literature to others?’ That is commendable. But, now, also ask yourself: ‘At school and elsewhere, what is my conduct? Do I do what worldly youths do? Or do I remember that I am to render “sacred service” to Jehovah night and day?’ You, like others, can do much to interest people in the good news by your daily conduct and fine attitude.

    But then it changed:

    *** w80 8/15 pp.30-31***

    Their companions, the “great crowd,” who look forward to everlasting life on earth, must likewise show godly fear as they perform their assigned “sacred service” in the earthly courtyard of Jehovah’s temple.—Rev. 7:9, 15.

    Does this “sacred service” mean simply ‘living a good life,’ being a fine example in raising and providing for one’s family, keeping the house clean, applying oneself at school, and so forth? Hardly , for the Israelites did such things over and above the sacred service that Jehovah commanded them to perform. (Ex. 7:16; 12:25, 26 [la·trei′a, Greek SeptuagintVersion]) And though the Sabbath law required them to ‘render service, and do all their work six days,’ certain sacred services were carried on even during the seventh day, such as at festivals and in giving instruction in the synagogues.—Ex. 13:5, 6; 20:9; Acts 13:14, 15; 18:4.

    Today, there are people who live clean, moral lives, but who have no interest at all in God or his purposes. Surely their lives cannot be described as “sacred service.” Obviously, this has to do specifically with service to God, done out of appreciation for sacred things—something out of the ordinary that calls for the sacrifice of time and energy. It is different from secular work or everyday living, though with Christians this also should be done “for God’s glory.”—1 Cor. 10:31; Rom. 1:9.


    1-3. (a) Did Jesus’ death on the torture stake mean that Jehovah

    no longer required any kind of sacrifice from us? Explain.

    (b) What question arises with regard to sacrifices today?

    IN THE first century C.E., Jehovah revealed to

    his people that Jesus’ ransom sacrifice had abolished

    the Mosaic Law. (Col. 2:13, 14) All the sacrificial

    offerings that the Jews had been making for

    hundreds of years were no longer necessary and no

    longer had any value. The Law had fulfilled its function

    as a “tutor leading to Christ.”—Gal. 3:24.


    So one man revealed this, where was the “governing body” in deciding this as in the case of circumcision? Paul was considered a circuit overseer in today’s WTS vocabulary, could a CO today set aside any Christian law on his own?

    2 That is not to say that Christians are no longer

    interested in sacrifices. On the contrary, the

    apostle Peter spoke of the need to “offer up spiritual

    sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

    (1 Pet. 2:5) Moreover, the apostle Paul had made it

    clear that a dedicated Christian’s life—every aspect

    of it—may appropriately be considered “a sacrifice.”

    —Rom. 12:1.


    See “sacred service” above which says the opposite

    3 So, then, a Christian makes sacrifices for Jehovah,

    either by offering up certain things to him or by

    giving up certain things for him. On the basis of

    what we know about the requirements that existed

    for the Israelites, how can we be sure that all our sacrifices

    today are acceptable to Jehovah?


    Christian = only jw

    Who decides what things are given up? The WTS…

    Are not the words and example of Jesus Christ as to what a sacrifice is better than the Law which he replaced?

    (Matthew 9:13) Go, then, and learn what this means, ‘I want mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came to call, not righteous people, but sinners.”


    4. What must we remember about everyday activities of life?

    4 As we go about our everyday lives, it might

    seem difficult to relate our activities to making sacrifices

    for Jehovah. Housework, schoolwork, secular

    work, shopping, and the like might on the surface

    seem to have little to do with spiritual concerns.

    However, if you have dedicated your life to Jehovah

    or hope to do so in the near future, then the spirit

    with which you approach mundane activities

    is important. We are Christians

    24 hours a day. Scriptural principles

    need to be applied in every aspect of our

    lives. Hence, Paul urged us: “Whatever

    you are doing, work at it whole-souled

    as to Jehovah, and not to men.”—Read

    Colossians 3:18-24.


    So despite what the WTS said up in the Opening Comments, “housework, schoolwork, secular work, shopping, and the like might seem to have little to do with spiritual concerns…we are Christians 24 hours a day”

    “whole-souled…not to men” but to the WTS/FDS/GB; God and Jesus are mentioned in Colossians but not the “governing body” GB.

    “not to men” remember that Paul had been a Pharisee and knew intimately how they expected the rank and file to follow them over following God.

    5, 6. What considerations should affect our

    everyday dress and conduct?

    5 A Christian’s day-to-day activities

    are not part of his sacred service. Yet,

    the fact that Paul urges us to work

    “whole-souled as to Jehovah” makes us

    think about our entire course of life. So

    how might we apply this to ourselves?

    Do we act and dress with proper decorum

    at all times? Or while engaging in

    day-to-day activities, might we be embarrassed

    to identify ourselves as Jehovah’s

    Witnesses, either because of the

    way we behave or because of the way

    we dress? Never may that be! Jehovah’s

    people would not want to do anything

    that might reflect badly on God’s name.

    —Isa. 43:10; 2 Cor. 6:3, 4, 9.


    But now the WTS says that daily activities are not part of spiritual concerns as they did in paragraph 4.

    Where does dress and proper decorum fit in?

    Jws might be embarrassed to say they are jws, but how many would identify themselves as Christians when asked at the door, “What religion are you?”

    Does the way a person dresses identify him/her only as a jw?

    Jehovah’s people = only jws, not Christians as by divine providence in Acts 11:26 (not Isaiah 43:10)

    6 Let us examine how a desire to work

    “whole-souled as to Jehovah” affects a

    number of different areas of life. As we

    do so, bear in mind that all sacrifices

    that the Israelites presented to Jehovah

    had to be the very best they had.—Ex.



    What kind of sacrifices did Christians have to present; after all Jesus’ followers are Christians not Israelites?


    7. What is involved in Christian dedication?

    7 When you dedicated yourself to Jehovah,

    you made that decision without

    reservation, did you not? In effect, you

    said that in every aspect of your life, you

    would put Jehovah first. (Read Hebrews 10:7.)

    That was a good decision. Doubtless

    you have seen that when you seek

    Jehovah’s will in a matter and strive to

    work in harmony with it, the results are

    excellent. (Isa. 48:17, 18) God’s people

    are holy and joyful because they reflect

    the qualities of the One who instructs

    them.—Lev. 11:44; 1 Tim. 1:11.


    Do you think a child under ten could make dedication with reservation; could they choose a marriage partner and get married? Yet children of the WTS have been baptized that young and younger.

    Did Paul say that a Christian would better understand God’s thinking or Christ’s?

    (1 Corinthians 2:15-16) . . .. However, the spiritual man examines indeed all things, but he himself is not examined by any man. 16 For “who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, that he may instruct him?” But we do have the mind of Christ.

    8. Of what significance is it to us that Jehovah

    considered ancient sacrifices to be holy?

    8 The sacrifices that the Israelites

    made to Jehovah were considered to be

    holy. (Lev. 6:25; 7:1) The Hebrew term

    translated “holiness” conveys the idea

    of separateness, exclusiveness, or sanctification

    to God. In order for our sacrifices

    to be acceptable to Jehovah, they

    must be separate from and uncontaminated

    by worldly influences. We cannot

    be loving any of the things that Jehovah

    hates. (Read 1 John 2:15-17.) Clearly,

    this means that we have to avoid any

    associations or involvements that would

    defile us from God’s point of view. (Isa.

    2:4; Rev. 18:4) It also means that we cannot

    allow our eyes to keep looking at

    that which is unclean or immoral or let

    our minds fantasize about such things.

    —Col. 3:5, 6.


    The Israelites were told not to associate at all with non-Jews; not to marry, except at Deut 21:10-14; but Naomi and her family moved to Moab and her sons married Moabite women; do business with non-Jews, but not invite them over for dinner…

    All non-jws are contaminated and worldly per the WTS, including family. Does that mean no TV, DVDs, non-jw music, art, etc.?

    And pornography raises its ugly head again…..I wonder how many elders and MS have been contaminated and continue to be so making the need for other men to reach out so dire?

    9. How important is a Christian’s conduct toward

    others, and why?

    9 Paul urged fellow believers: “Do not

    forget the doing of good and the sharing

    of things with others, for with such sacrifices

    God is well pleased.” (Heb. 13:16)

    So being good and doing good to others

    as a matter of course is something that

    Jehovah views as an acceptable sacrifice

    to him. Loving concern for others is a

    distinguishing mark of true Christians.

    —John 13:34, 35; Col. 1:10.


    So how are the older jws helped…get them to the doctor, grocery shopping, cleaning their homes, visiting them and providing recreation…

    Or is “loving concern” telling them to get to the meetings and get more hours in the door to door?


    10, 11. How does Jehovah view our Christian

    ministry and worship, and what effect should

    this have on us?

    10 One of the most obvious ways in

    which we as Christians do good things

    for others is through “the public declaration

    of our hope.” Do you seize every

    opportunity to give a witness? Paul

    called this essential Christian activity “a

    sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of

    lips which make public declaration to

    [God’s] name.” (Heb. 10:23; 13:15; Hos.

    14:2) Much could be said about the

    quantity and quality of the time that

    we spend preaching the good news of

    the Kingdom, and many Service Meeting

    parts are designed to stimulate our

    thinking on this matter. Briefly stated,

    however, since our field service and informal

    witnessing activities are “a sacrifice

    of praise,” a part of our worship,

    that sacrifice should be of the very best

    that we can offer. While circumstances

    vary, the amount of time that we devote

    to announcing the good news often

    reflects our appreciation for spiritual



    (James 2:15, 16) If a brother or a sister is in a naked state and lacking the food sufficient for the day, 16 yet a certain one of YOU says to them: “Go in peace, keep warm and well fed,” but YOU do not give them the necessities for [their] body, of what benefit is it?

    So did James say that words but no substance were “most obvious”?

    Would the homeless person benefit from a sermon, or help finding a place to stay, eat, get employment, health care, etc.?


    Do you seize every opportunity to give a witness?

    11 Christians regularly spend time in

    private or group worship. Jehovah requires

    us to do so. It is true that we no

    longer have to observe a strict Sabbath

    rest or make regular trips to festivals in

    Jerusalem. However, those ancient observances

    do have their counterparts in

    Christian life. God still expects us to desist

    from dead works and to study his

    Word, pray, and attend Christian meetings.

    And Christian family heads take

    the initiative in conducting family worship

    with the members of their own

    households. (1 Thess. 5:17; Heb. 10:24,

    25) Regarding our spiritual activities,

    we do well to ask ourselves, ‘Could I improve

    the quality of my worship?’


    “No regular trips to festivals” required???

    So what is the counterpart in the 1 st century for these festivals….the words “district convention” or “circuit assembly” are not in the NT or even modeled.

    “improve the quality” = putting higher numbers on your time slip?

    12. (a) The offering of incense in ancient worship

    can be compared to what today? (b) How

    should this comparison affect the content of

    our prayers?

    12 King David sang to Jehovah: “May

    my prayer be prepared as incense before

    you.” (Ps. 141:2) Think for a moment

    about your prayers—about their

    regularity and their quality. The book

    of Revelation likens “the prayers of the

    holy ones” to incense in that acceptable

    prayers rise to Jehovah like a sweet-smelling

    and pleasant odor. (Rev. 5:8)

    In ancient Israel, the incense that was

    regularly offered on Jehovah’s altar had

    to be carefully and precisely prepared.

    It was acceptable to Jehovah only if offered

    according to the guidelines that he

    had established. (Ex. 30:34-37; Lev. 10:

    1, 2) If our heartfelt prayers are similarly

    formulated, then we can be sure that

    they are acceptable to Jehovah.


    So what is the “incense” formula for jws in the Bible as Christians?

    So were/are the prayers at the KH and conventions/assemblies heartfelt, or unprepared or merely summaries of the “festivals”?


    13, 14. (a) What service did Epaphroditus

    and the Philippian congregation perform for

    Paul, and how did the apostle feel about it?

    (b) How can we follow the example of Epaphroditus

    and the Philippians?

    13 Financial contributions made to

    support the worldwide work can be likened

    to a sacrifice, whether we offer

    much or little. (Mark 12:41-44) In the

    first century C.E., the congregation in

    Philippi sent Epaphroditus to Rome in

    order to care for Paul’s physical needs.

    That envoy of the Philippians evidently

    carried with him a monetary gift

    from the congregation. This was not

    the first time that the Philippians had

    shown generosity to Paul. By their kind-

    ness they intended to free Paul of

    financial worries so that he could devote

    more time to the ministry. How did

    Paul view the gift? He called it “a sweet-smelling

    odor, an acceptable sacrifice,

    well-pleasing to God.” (Read Philippians

    4:15-19.) Paul truly appreciated the

    Philippians’ kind gesture, and so did Jehovah.


    Oh-oh, people are giving enough…money = sacrifice, much or little but then remember the WTS says the amount reflects (proves) your spiritual appreciation.

    Free Paul of financial worries but not jws in your own congregation—especially if they are not deemed by the elders to be in “good standing.”

    14 Likewise today, Jehovah deeply appreciates

    our contributions to the worldwide

    work. Moreover, he promises that

    if we continue to put Kingdom interests

    first in our lives, he will take care of all

    our needs, spiritual and physical.—Matt.

    6:33; Luke 6:38.


    So did God take care of all your needs, including spiritual? Or did the congregation expect God to perform a miracle? Were there any Philippians in your life?


    15. What are some of the things for which you

    are grateful to Jehovah?

    15 It would take a long time to enumerate

    the many reasons we have for

    being grateful to Jehovah. Is it not true

    that we should thank him each day for

    the gift of life? He gives us all that we

    need to sustain ourselves—food, clothing,

    and shelter as well as every breath

    that we take. Moreover, our faith, based

    on accurate knowledge, gives us hope.

    It is appropriate that we worship Jehovah

    and offer sacrifices of praise to him,

    simply because of who he is and what

    he has done for us.—Read Revelation



    I remember a story in the WTS publications about a brother in Africa in a country where food was scarce, and he had children. Finally, some relief came, especially publications, and his family had survived by eating every third day. So if help arrived would you have run the WT line or the food line?

    16. How should we respond to Christ’s ransom


    16 As we have seen in the preceding

    article, an especially precious gift of

    God to mankind is Christ’s ransom sacrifice.

    This is an outstanding manifestation

    of God’s love for us. (1 John 4:

    10)What is the appropriate response to

    it? Paul declared: “The love the Christ

    has compels us, because this is what we

    have judged, that one man died for all;

    . . . and he died for all that those who

    live might live no longer for themselves,

    but for him who died for them and was

    raised up.” (2 Cor. 5:14, 15) In effect,

    Paul was saying that if we appreciate

    God’s undeserved kindness, we will use

    our lives to honor Him and His Son.

    Our love and appreciation for God and

    Christ is expressed through our obedience

    and by our desire to preach and

    make disciples.—1 Tim. 2:3, 4; 1 John



    So where is the individual Jesus in this, is Jesus merely a tool to a jw’s everlasting life on a paradise earth, or do they see him as a loving individual apart from God?

    Do jws see it as a “free gift” or as something that must be earned?

    (Romans 3:23, 24) . . .For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and it is as a free gift that they are being declared righteous by his undeserved kindness through the release by the ransom [paid] by Christ Jesus.

    17, 18. In what ways have some increased

    their sacrifice of praise to Jehovah? Give an example.

    17 Would it be possible for you to improve

    the sacrifice of praise that you

    offer to God? After reflecting on all the

    good that Jehovah has done for them,

    many have been moved to organize

    their time and activities to increase their

    participation in the Kingdom-preaching

    work or other theocratic activities.

    Some have been able to auxiliary pioneer

    for one or more months each year,

    while others have been able to enter

    the ranks of the regular pioneers. Still

    others have engaged in Kingdom construction

    projects. Are not these excellent

    ways to show one’s appreciation?

    If performed with the right motive—to

    show gratitude and give thanks—these

    acts of sacred service are acceptable to



    So if it is “free” how do you “improve”? Is it in quantity again? INCREASE, AUXILIARY AND REGULAR PIONEER

    18 Many Christians have felt a debt of

    gratitude to Jehovah and have been motivated

    by it. One such person is Morena.

    She searched for answers to her

    spiritual questions in Catholicism, the

    religion in which she was raised, and

    in Asian philosophy. But she found no

    satisfying answers in either. Only when

    she began studying the Bible with Jehovah’s

    Witnesses was her spiritual thirst

    quenched. Morena was so grateful for

    the Scriptural answers to all her questions

    and for the stability that those answers

    gave to her life that she wanted to

    thank Jehovah by using all her energies

    in his service. She began auxiliary pioneering

    on a regular basis immediately

    after her baptism, and as soon as her circumstances

    allowed for it, she became

    a regular pioneer. That was 30 years

    ago, and Morena is still in full-time service.


    The WTS had to pull into its archival bag for this experience, 30 years ago.

    Asian philosophy and without even going to college

    I wonder if Morena knew that from 1929 to 1962 the WTS taught the “scriptural” answer that the “superior authorities” were Jesus and God, but changed it back to the pre-1929 teaching in 1962 of secular governments? I wonder how many other “scriptural” teachings have been tweaked over the last 30 years?

    19. How might it be possible for you to increase

    your sacrifices to Jehovah?

    19 Of course, there are many faithful

    servants of Jehovah whose circumstances

    do not allow them to serve as pioneers.

    Whatever we can do in Jehovah’s

    service, all of us can offer acceptable

    spiritual sacrifices to him. In our conduct,

    we need to observe righteous principles

    carefully, mindful that we represent

    Jehovah at all times. In faith, we

    put full trust in the outworking of God’s

    purposes. In fine works, we help spread

    the good news. Out of our heart’s abundance

    and out of appreciation for all

    that Jehovah has done for us, let us continue

    to make whole-souled sacrifices

    for Jehovah.


    *** w87 2/1 p.15 par.1***

    “A FEW years ago, many of us thought that only those with special circumstances could pioneer,” wrote a pioneer, or full-time minister, in Japan. “It seems we were wrong. We are learning that only those with special circumstances cannot pioneer.”

    In wonder how many pioneers Japan has since 1987. Quite a drop….in fact I think that is part of the reason the WTS dropped the Theocratic News in the Kingdom Ministry.

    Does Jehovah’s goodness motivate you to improve your sacrifice of praise?


    Next week, A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD TO BENEFIT ALL MANKIND…who is the priesthood, are they priest while on earth?

    Love, Blondie

  • Quarterback

    Wow so many changes...I just can't keep up with it. Now everything is a sacred sacrifice.

    We love you too, Blondie.

  • baltar447

    Blondie, thanks for you "Sacred Service" with this

  • wannabefree

    I think we spent ten minutes or more just on the picture with the short skirt and torn jeans ... unbelievable ... somebody made a comment on how Jehovah tells us what he expects of us through the Bible, his Organization, and even pictures like these on the Watchtower ...

  • cantleave

    Give more NOW!!!!!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Thanks Blondie.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Thanks, Blondie; I also note that in Paragraph 17 that working on WT-sanctioned construction projects is put in the same exalted category as pioneering.

  • WTWizard

    It's articles like this one that exposes the witlesses as still being run by the Jews. First, as paragraphs 2 and 3 gleefully point out, people are still supposed to make sacrifices. I thought that, according to true Christianity, one is merely supposed to believe that Jesus offered up a perfect, complete sacrifice to which nothing ever need be added. You do that, you're done. Yet, those paragraphs hound for more sacrifice--as if we were still in the Jewish system. Why would anyone need to sacrifice oneself after Jesus' sacrifice was supposedly an end-all sacrifice, because one doesn't have faith that it is enough? Even Satanism doesn't require ongoing sacrifices!

    Paragraph 7 has this piece of rubbish: "

    When you dedicated yourself to Jehovah,

    you made that decision without

    reservation, did you not? In effect, you

    said that in every aspect of your life, you

    would put Jehovah first. "

    Now, suppose you find that Jehovah is nothing more than an Almighty Lowlife Scumbag. He is so corrupt that he tricks you into dedicating yourself to him on false premises. After you find out that he welshed on his promises, would you want to continue giving him your all? Is it fair to expect someone to live up to a dedication after it was found to be on false premises? You made the decision without adequate information--and, after Jehovah proved himself absolutely corrupt, it was too late. Yet, if you don't make the dedication, those filthy angels of his are going to continue harassing and hounding you to--never mind that it is totally rubbish.

    Besides, isn't Jehovah supposed to have unconditional love for us? If so, then why doesn't he ever go out of his way to make us happy? Or, perhaps he would rather give some lame excuse, or a promise for happiness if we continue doing ever more--but the promise never comes. (This is reminiscent of the Nigeria 419 scams). You do the maximum and give Jehovah everything at great personal hardship, and he will do the minimum (and grudgingly) for you even with no hardship for himself. Fair?

  • inbetween

    hate those stupid pictures, they start to teach first graders here, never say directly, whats forbidden but make rules by pictures...

    we also spent considerable time with the pictures, funny thing, i could precisely predict, which self-righteous Pharisees will comment on them ....awful...

  • blondie

    I also note that in Paragraph 17 that working on WT-sanctioned construction projects is put in the same exalted category as pioneering.

    There is a provision to count time on your time slip for these construction projects...........

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