tt2c, you said:
The statement "up to 50% of the human population was wiped out by plague over several centuries" doesn't add up. The black plague mostly was confined to Europe which never has held the majority of earths population. Sorry but that argument just doesn't hold water.
(note: a quick click on Wiki can be informative, but doesn't always have the complete story )
Actually, the black plague was not 'mostly confined to Europe'. Let's follow the trail/timeline, and examine, as you say, real data.
In the 1200's, famine cut China's population in half, reducing the population from approx. 120 million to 60 million. This was followed by a black plague epidemic, which killed off another 25 million Chinese and Asians by the middle of the 1300's, at which time it was then spread to Europe.
By 1400, 30-60% of Europe's population had been wiped out.
It appears that the statement "up to 50% of the human population was wiped out by plague over several centuries" is, indeed, accurate.
ref. url:
In October 2010, medical geneticists confirmed that the plague originated in China. [2] The wide presence in China of its natural hosts, rodent species such as marmots and voles, was likely the main factor behind its origin rather than the country's human population size. [2] (In China, the 13th century Mongol conquest disrupted farming and trading, and led to widespread famine. The population dropped from approximately 120 to 60 million. [15] ) The 14th-century plague killed an estimated 25 million Chinese and other Asians during the 15 years before it entered Constantinople in 1347. [16]
Plague was reportedly first introduced to Europe at the trading city of Caffa in the Crimea in 1347. After a protracted siege, during which the Mongol army under Jani Beg was suffering the disease, they catapulted the infected corpses over the city walls to infect the inhabitants
The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30% – 60% of Europe's population, [1] reducing the world's population from an estimated 450 million to between 350 and 375 million in 1400.