MP: Whatever stats you quote about Carbon Monoxide are irrelevant, wiki states most CO is natural and not from man.
Are you even reading the same thread? Re-read what you wrote, chief. I specifically brought up carbon monoxide (CO) to point out that you mistakenly used CO where you should've used CO2:
SBC: (FTR, CO is carbon monoxide)
It's all in the above posts. Go find the first instance of CO and you'll see that it's YOU who wrote it, not me. I just corrected you because you seemed to not realize we were discussing CO2, not CO, and there's a big difference.
MP: I guess i was right after all.
I couldn't find a bigger facepalm...
Doesn't know CO from CO2 and wants to debate the science supporting AGW.
Do you see what's wrong with this picture? I'm not trying to insult you here. I want to know if you're really unaware of how incompetent you are to challenge the consensus of scientists who agree that mankind is affecting our climate.
Egos aside, I'm doing what I can to educate myself and my kids on the science behind it. I think all responsible citizens of this planet should be doing their homework.
MP: We have already established that your primary support for this sort of policy is particularly biased because you have a business interest.
You, sir, are as willfully ignorant as any JW I've ever debated. It's not that you can't read - though that could be debatable - it's that you're so caught up in being right that you can't be bothered to read anything that contradicts your conspiracy, even if I'm sitting here explaining the facts about my current situation. Not opinions, not personal viewpoints - facts. I have ZERO vested business interest in enviromental conscious policies. Green govt regulations, to my knowledge, will have no impact on my wallet in the foreseeable future. In fact, I'm trying to break away from my current job and go into an entirely new field that has NOTHING to do with industrial process/power. But, hey, you've formed your viewpoint and now nothing will change it, not science, not reason, nothing.
“The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice.” Arthur Schopenhauer
If legit discoveries are made and AGW turns out to be bogus, I'll have no reason to stubbornly hang on to it. Humble pie for me. Same goes for the theory of evolution and the theory of gravity.
MP: For example why doesnt the US gov simply ban 4wd, pickup trucks and other large vehicles.
So this is how you know AGW is a hoax - because the US hasn't banned 4WD gas-guzzling pickups? Wow.