I have bad news for them: The end isn't coming for roughly another 140 years. And, when it does, it will simply be as the end of one month or the end of one season. I never saw the end of one season wipe out most of the population.
What does this mean? Simply, we are nearing the end of the Age of Pisces. "The end of the world" is a corrupt version (thanks, Jews) of "The end of the age". As we get nearer the end of Pisces, we are going to see more people detached from religion. Gone are the days when most people were Christians and most of them went to church every Sunday. Gone are the days when the Christian church ruled even kings. Even if Agenda 21+ doesn't come in and throw a monkey wrench in the works, Christianity's days are numbered. You can expect it to disappear more, for references to Christianity to become scarcer, church attendance to continue declining as many "Christians" almost never go, and for it to even become more offensive to the majority.
Once we are right at the end of the age, I would expect some new religion to come up out of nowhere. As Aquarius is more of a free paradigm than Aries or Pisces, I would even expect some form of Satanism to become mainstream and accepted as the new truth. People will then be free from the shackles of religion, and those few that cling to Christianity will wither like the Jews did soon after 1 CE. The terms "BC" and "AD" will be replaced, in the mainstream, by the more technically correct "BCE" and "CE". We may even get a new calendar sometime after the year 2150 CE.
Now, of course, that is not what the washtowel story is. They claim that the work will speed up, new peaks will be widespread, and then Armageddon will come. I am seeing far fewer witlesses actually out in field circus now than in the mid 1980s. The anointed are actually increasing--I expected that the anointed would end up going down into the triple digits or so before the end, not back up to 5 figures. Smaller and fewer rags, wimpier publications that are ripped off from earlier littera-trash, boasting sessions with wimpier comments, and the wretched excuses for "music(??)" we now see are not exactly my idea of speeding up the work.