When was the last time you cried and why?

by usualusername 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Devout JW parents....Mom died last summer, pretty unexpectedly. Got to spend last week of her life with her in hospital, as if I was never DF'd. Quite a few tears shed that month.

    Took kids to see Dad early this year. He won't call or come by to see them due to our DF status but I figured he could use a visit occasionally and I don't mind putting myself out for it anymore. He was raised JW so I cut him some slack.

    Anyways, he let me in the house, too, and even hugged me... and while I've personally healed well from the loss of relationships, I could tell he was really lonely and missed us. The house seemed dark and just plain cold and he had the posture of a prisoner more than a content grandfather. I'd have to say it was sadness and anger -in his behalf- that got me that day.

  • ohiocowboy

    I cried a few days ago after I saw a Raccoon attack another one and left it convulsing, stiff, moaning loudly and in shock. It was in death throes. I grabbed a bath towel to pick it up, bought it inside, put it on the bed, and wrapped it loosely in a quilt to keep it warm. My Partner and I talked and sung to it softly, while I knelt and carefully snuggled it up in my arms to calm it down. Within several minutes, the convulsions lessened, the screams and moans subsided, and it started coming out of shock.

    Within a few more minutes it was gaining cognizance, and then it rested for a few more minutes until it decided it wanted to get up. The look on it's face was priceless, a mixture between WTF and Thank you. I unwrapped it, and it got up and jumped on the floor. It walked into the Living room, and layed on a throw pillow that was on the floor. I put chopped banana and grapes in a dish, and also a dish of water in case it needed nourishment. About 10 minutes later, it got up and walked over to my partner and I, and just looked up at us in an indescribable way before walking out the back door.

    I was expecting to get bitten, and had already come to the realization that I would have to go to the emergency room to start a series of rabies shots, but it never even tried to bite me or my partner. Somehow it knew that we were only trying to help it. I was willing to take my chances as I couldn't just let it die alone.

    After things had calmed down, and the raccoon had left, I had a good little cry and my partner comforted me. My tears were a mixture of happiness that we had saved a creature, and tears of sadness that it was in such pain when we first saw it.

    I also cried briefly the other day when I was telling my partner about the new Muslim book that came out about beating women.

    I am not ashamed to cry, even though I am 47. Crying is not a bad thing, and it does not mean one is "Weak". Crying is a good way to release pent up emotions. I don't cry all the time, only as needed.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises


    That was so wonderful of you to have saved that raccoon. The connection between you and the raccoon would had been something to be seen.

  • talesin

    Usual ,,, how are you doing? I hope this thread has helped you realize that you are 'not alone'.



  • Lore

    Last time I cried was about a year ago on the way home from work. I was bored so I tried to see if I could make myself cry just by thinking about it.

    It worked but then I realized it was a pretty dumb idea to cry and drive at the same time so I stopped.

    I haven't been able to make myself cry again since then.

  • LongHairGal


    I just cried this morning looking at pictures on one of my nephews' Facebook. I just cannot believe how fast time has gone by. I am by nature a crybaby and am not ashamed to admit it. When I was a child my Mom told me I cried "at the drop of a hat".

  • TOTH

    Last night I wept silently because I miss my brother very much. It's going on two years since he passed, but it seems like just a moment ago.

  • dm6

    Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    Very nicely put Blondie, short and powerful.

    I think a lot of the human race has probably toyed with the notion of suicide at some point, maybe some not as serious as others.

    /ontopic, i honestly dont remember the last time i cried, i think it was a few months ago i must have been going through some weird drug phase at the time.

    Im still on the drugs.

  • dm6
    Last time I cried was about a year ago on the way home from work. I was bored so I tried to see if I could make myself cry just by thinking about it.
    It worked but then I realized it was a pretty dumb idea to cry and drive at the same time so I stopped.
    I haven't been able to make myself cry again since then.

    LOL! Lore! I haven't laughed this hard in ages after reading this!!!!! You sound like me lol i remember when i was a kid i did the same thing but i was on a swing in a park and i remember people staring at me as i was crying and swinging lol !!!!!

  • Magwitch

    Ohio Cowboy...That story brought tears to my eyes.

    Usualusername..I am so sorry that you suffer from depression!

    I cried on 1/15/12 when my 20 year daughter left for her trip circling the entire world (semester at sea). I knew it would be months before I could see her beautiful smile again and hear her sweet little girl voice, see her roll her eyes at me and hear her snicker at some dumb comment I made. I actually sobbed for 2 days. I will cry tears of joy when she returns this summer.

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