just wondering has there ever been a definitive article responding to this or a similar q ?
how exactly does god communicate w/ the gb?
by mP 45 Replies latest jw friends
Fred would spend hours locked in his room.
Well, as a matter of fact...
Yesterday I posted a conversation with the writing department about that and other subjects like the identity of the FDS.
If you care to take a listen the link is posted at this thread:
In nine plus hours nobody has cared to comment. Which is quite disappointing.
Maybe I should just send the audio to Kool-aid Man ;-)
put the audio on youtube, those file sharing sites tend to delete files w/out notice.
i guess i will have to wait for further light !
A smurf doll tells them everything they need to know.... when it talks, they write it all down....
What a great question. I guess they sit down in their room, pray for guidance (which means nothing) and read the scriptures (HAHAHA!) and then come to some sort of decision based upon their own interpretation of the scriptures. If 2/3s agree then it MUST be divine providence and coming from Jehovah. Because they have prayed before hand it must make them feel that any decision made is from Jehovah.
Who knows. Ray Franz speaks about it in CoC. He said that when he was on the GB they hardly used the bible and frequently debated points without reaching a unanimous agreement. Surely if its from Jehovah then all will agree. Surely there is no room for argument or misinterpretation.
Its all Bo**ocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Well at first, it was through thunder and trembling mountains. Sometimes an angelic representative would come along and speak in a reasonble human-like voice---when god wasn't in the mood for drama. All messages received in a prophetic trance were reliable. If there were still questions, Urim and Thummim were quite handy, but have been replaced by the Eight Ball. With the invention of the answering machine, I had hoped that god could simply leave messages, and some have received messages from dead relatives, but it appears god has not utilized this option much. Then there is email. But god seems to be a luddite. But with time, and when Michael can reset his passwords for him, I'm hoping for some youtube videos.
I have asked this question many times myself. Now, of course, it is tongue-in-cheek. I mean, do they go into a trance or something? If it were really true that anyone actually communicated with the almighty (like Moses on the mountain) it would make the news!! The whole world would hear about the special event and the time and place, etc. It would not be anonymous, we would know the person's name, just like we know Moses name in the bible. It wouldn't be hidden under a basket.
I would sincerely LOVE to shake hands with such a special person or persons who are privileged to communicate with the almighty. In fact, they should be carried down the street on a float like the pope and have a parade in their honor.
nancy drew
I think a disembodied hand appears and writes messages on the wall
eenie meanie chile beanie the spirits are about to talk