on the fence - an introduction

by so confused 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • diamondiiz


    First steps outside of the watchtower world are always scary and full of distrust. It's good to question and ask for references. Watchtower indoctrinated us not to think for ourselves and trust the watchtower without ever really researching it's teachings, it's past and it's publications which has caused much harm to millions of people.

    As you examine your faith give www.jwfacts.com a try and take a look at the rich heritage that watchtower doesn't like it's followers to know. Check the references, as it's good to understand that xjws don't usually make up lies about watchtower as JWs claim. Many of us have been where you are, it takes time to realize that the con man is not the outsider but the one whom we've trusted a large part of our life. As you research watchtower's history also consider how BITE model applies to the organization which will amaze you how many other cults use the same techniques on their followers.

    It's great that you and your husband are examining what you've been taught. Keep the information that you learn to yourselves and don't share it with witnesses because you might lose everyone you know in a hurry if you don't stop your research or if you don't agree with wts - this includes closest friends and family.

    Take your time as it's a slow process of realizing to what extend you've been conned and how little you really know about the organization claiming to be the truth and God's mouthpiece on earth.

    If you have any specific questions, just ask away. If you need older wts material ask. Almost every topic you an imagine has been discussed in the past here, use the search engine above to look up topics you might be interested in.

    Take care

  • Retrovirus

    Welcome, So Confused!

    Yes, the Bible does say the heart is treacherous, but since the governing body selectively claim not to be prophets, isn't it possible that their hearts are treacherous too? Despite many backtrackings and changes of mind, they seem to have a problem with lowering their crests enough to admit they were wrong!

    I'm not a jw but did raise my children as a single parent, and I understand your need to keep your son happy and safe. Perhaps you could read through some experiences of jw childhoods - they don't sound all that happy to me!

    Also remember that many young born-ins are leaving the organisation, even when both parents are still believers. My SIL is a JW (brother is not) and their children have chosen not to be JWs. If you could remain a believer, would you ever shun your child?

    Best wishes, and keep researching. God gave us brains for a reason!


  • cyberjesus

    Welcome, you will be So Confused for a while. Keep reading, only talk about this to your husband. read the books suggested in this thread. Dont panic, Armageddon is not coming soon.

    You are in a safe place. But the road ahead is gonna be troublesome. Most in here have gone thru it.

  • TOTH

    Welcome to the forum! There is lots to take in so like others have said, take it nice and easy. I hope to hear more from you.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Welcome-so confused!

  • Lozhasleft

    Hello and welcome to the forum. There's been some sound advice for you already. Don't panic now its going to be alright. You are on a journey to freedom and scary as it might feel its the best way to go.

    Loz x

  • ziddina

    Welcome to the board!!!

    There are many ways to assuage your fears...

    First, you could start by reading the bible and JUST the bible - no "bible study aids" to dilute biblical texts.

    Second, you could read OLD Watchtower literature - the older, the better. You may even be able to get them from your local Kingdom Hall, or thrift stores, or even online. I've got some old Watchtower literature that is a century old - VERY interesting!!

    Third, you could RESEARCH the origins of the Watchtower Society - that goes along with #2, above.

    Fourth, you could research the origins of the bible itself - DEEP research, at your local library or preferably your local 4-year-college library; not limiting yourself to the "Watchtower only" viewpoint[s]...

    Fifth, you could research the origins of the various religions of the world - Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Confusianism, Aboriginal religions, Native American religions - the pre-white-man, pure versions, and so on...


    The more knowledge you obtain, the less fear you will feel.

    Best results to you!

  • venetian


    Have you read Crisis of Conscience and In search of Christian Freedom by Ray Franz?

    They are 2 excellent books which will answer many of your questions, not all, but many.

    Oh, and a bit of advice. Try to stop using phrases like "the truth". These are words indoctrinated into you so that you readily accept everything coming from the Society as "Truth" without question.

    You know this isnt so.

  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    Welcome SO CONFUSED ...... I think all of us here have been Your Username. Some of us , me especially; may still be(LOL)

    From advice given so far there is much to consider. My thought to you is OUR MIND IS OUR MOST PRECIOUS POSSESSION You have made your most important step to repossess yours. To question for yourself The waterfall of washing away your confusion and knowing with certainty has barely begun to trickle.

    My husband& JWN we hope

    Our thoughts are with you both

  • Heaven

    Welcome so confused. It's quite mind boggling when you first realize you've been lied to so handily. You are now entering a time of great sorting and sifting. My story is similar to yours except that I awoke to a certain degree in my teens and left home after high school to go to College. Things just didn't add up for me... figuratively and literally. I never got baptized nor did I marry a JW.

    I keep thinking about my baby and want him to be happy and safe.

    Teach your children critical thinking skills -- teach them to think for themselves. Teach them to research and to follow 1 Thessalonians 5:21 (not from NWT): "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." -- King James Version.

    My husband said we only need the bible and jesus to teach him.

    Actually, you need only certain parts of the Bible. Some parts are very negative especially towards anyone 'different' including women. It might be a good idea for you to research the origins of the Bible. I could never buy into the 'We are God's Chosen' nor the whole idea from the Bible that if you don't get 're-born' and sign up as a Christian then you won't be saved ideal when there are people like this in the world:

    Amazon Tribe

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