My wife who is in a never ending study seems to be learning a lot about 'headship' lately, and I notice that this weeks OKM shows that once again on TMS night they are going to emphasize the principles of headship from the reasoning book, page 253 in the English version.
Are JW women becoming a bit more bold, seems to me there is a lot of 'headship' teaching ongoing
by insearchoftruth 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Headship" - does that word exist outside the borg?
"Headship" - does that word exist outside the borg?
Seems to be pretty pecular to them, I am surprised that they are pushing this information to my wife outside of the meetings, does not seem like a drawing point for a woman.
I think jw men forget they they have a head too (no joke intended), supposedly Jesus Christ and his representatives the GB/WTS and the elders, CO, DO. Long ago a thinking elder asked a husband what was easier recognizing the headship of a perfect Jesus Christ or an imperfect man?
Good point Blondie, appreciate the thought!!
Yes, the religion is really hung up on the "headship" thing. Funny, but when I was active in the religion, I had no problem with the brothers taking the lead. My issue with them is that they do not understand the concept of boundaries and in many cases do not know how to relate to a single working woman. I am not married to these people and I make my own way in the world. I was "polite" but I had to put my foot down with regard to their nosey intrusiveness.
The only place they have any "authority" is inside the boundaries of the kingdom hall or assembly hall or in some car group. It does not extend elsewhere and they are deluding themselves if they think it does.
"Headship" - does that word exist outside the borg?
It is certainly a rare word in common English today - maybe, like "Happifying" it could be technically a real word that went out with the buggy whips.
BTW, I have heard (somewhere) that buggy whips are still a useful device for enforcing the headship discipline.
Found Sheep
I love an equal marriage
I love an equal marriage
And that is the way they should be!!!
"Headship" - does that word exist outside the borg?
Muslim ruled countries come to mind...
I like seeing Western exposes on the oppressiveness of Theocracy ruled countries and seeing similarities between hard-liner Islam attitude toward wives and women vs the WT attitude toward wives and women (though maybe not to extremes in the WT world)