Top Secret JW Letter, April 2, 2012
by graysome67 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi Graysome67 welcome to the forum.
Found Sheep
Welcome Graysome67 thanks for the confidential letter
Smart strategy for a publishing corp. Halve the size of the printed issues to reduce expenses and slowly transition the flock to consume material on the website with exclusive articles.
Form my perspective, this either means the followers aren't giving like they used to and the GB is scrammbling for a way to even the playing the field, or the brothers' donations are the same and the governing body simply wants to increase the bottom line.
Gotta love cult capitalism!
Amelia Ashton
Welcome Graysome67
That is 4 languages we have this letter in now. I wonder if any still in jdubs have seen it yet?
So much for Top Secret in JWland... when the apostate world knew about it at least a week ago
reading this again and I was struck by this quote:
"The Governing Body has noted the growing tendancy for people to obtain reading material from the Internet and has carefully weighed the effect this trend is having on the printing industry..."
Maybe it's me, but it came off as sounding like the GB was tooting their own horn as how in-the-know they are and how they alone came up with a solution. And all Jah's little people will eat it up, not realizing of course, that the WTS is several years behind the rest of the printed media world in noting the growing tendancy of people obtaining reading material from the Internet.
Back in the mid 80's the WTS. came out and demeaned the use of computers, even to state a scripture pertaining to whom shall make
a tower before themselves, something along that line.
Now 20 years later on the two faced hypocritical bastards, realizing the forwarding potential for putting out their magazines on-line
as a easy way to distribute their literature has been acknowledged, well I guess those computers are a good thing after all.
i had fun on saturday morning mentioning this to one of the elders who is such a gossip. prob all around the hall at this point!
wha happened?
I remeber that true one. People were getting poo poo'd for printing out scriptures because we should be concerened about the usuage of the bible, not technology
Back in the mid 80's the WTS. came out and demeaned the use of computers, even to state a scripture pertaining to whom shall make a tower before themselves, something along that line.
Now 20 years...
Mid-80s to now? More like 30 years... You lost a decade along the way. Must've been one hell of a party...
To be fair though, I thought the WTS was pretty big on computers, what with their printing hardware/software that they used to brag about. It was when the Internet started taking hold, connecting people like never before, with the exchange of information and new ideas and then the social aspect of it, that made them start to realize what owning a home computer could lead to.
Ya know what we need... someone to do some research, compile a list of all the WT quotes on the evils of the Internet and then place beside it this letter.
I'd do it, but I'm in management. I just assign others to do the actual work...