Here's an interesting quote:
"The Governing Body is confident that these adjustments will enable us to reach even more people with the Bible's life-saving message while continuing to provide a rich supply of nourishing spiritual food for the worldwide brotherhood."
Okay... what is the point of the field service? (not the real reason, but the reason that the dubs are given so as to keep them motivated)
They were commanded by Jesus to go therefore and make disciples, blah blah blah. Just as Noah was a preacher of the end of his world (not really but they believe that) then Jah's servant's today are commanded to preach the end of this world. Jehovah's (not real) name must be sanctified. The preaching work helps fulfill that.
But yet... the GB says that by cutting down the printed version...and revamping the website, this will reach even more people with their message. Really? How? Will dubs now knock on doors with an open laptop or iPad and ask the household to read the website they have open (reminds me of the phonograph days actually). Do they really expect people to just one day say, "ya know, I miss that Awake! magazine I used to find in my door. Maybe I can download a copy and further my college education."
In a roundabout way, they are telling their sales staff, er, publishers and pioneers, that the ever important, Jesus instructed, life-saving work isn't nearly as crucial as it used to be. Now, with the power of Satan's tool they can now reach more people through the Internet.
I'm guessing that since this letter will be read (and most dubs dozing off) no one will really catch the illogic of that statement. And let's face it. How many will actually bother to read it for themselves once it's posted on the bulletin information board?