Who is keeping watch over my soul, that I should be submissive to him?

by irondork 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • irondork

    Thank you N.Drew. I had not considered it from that angle. Your idea also makes sense.

    Interesting stuff to ponder.

    Londo111, your reasons for posting less and less are understandable and not worth trying to adjust. If a Christian were to invade one of their threads the way they like to poop on bible-based thread topics, we would never hear the end of it. It's just the way they are. Nothing you can do about it.

  • Londo111

    N.drew: I will have to contemplate what you said some more. I agree that Christians need to be led by Holy Spirit.

    Irondork: I believe everybody is entitled to the b elief or philosophy that works for them. Goodness knows, after being chewed up and spit out by the elders, I flirted with agnostism myself for a time until Brother Franz's books reintroduced me to Christianity. So I can understand how someone might veer into a path away from theism altoghether. However-- it is the tone I find distasteful. Sometimes it seems the JW theology was chucked, but the JW dogmatism remained behind.

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