For those of you who had a moment like that from the Matrix when you realised what you'd believed was fundamentally flawed or a lie - what caused that defining moment and how long was it before you could share your thoughts?
by MMXIV 48 Replies latest watchtower bible
For those of you who had a moment like that from the Matrix when you realised what you'd believed was fundamentally flawed or a lie - what caused that defining moment and how long was it before you could share your thoughts?
I had a matrix moment when during a family study my wife came out with "the society are always right"! Those words were kinda freakish and started me on the road to waking up.
It all happened really fast for me, like a bucket of ice water. Once I started to look the house of cards came down. UN was a punch in the stomach, game over maaan. Cried a lot. Throwing up came later, as I learned about the Pedophilia, Malawi/Mexico, Greber. Walked around wondering what planet I was on for a while.
Happy to be in the real world now. Working to improve critical thinking, and other things so as not to ever be sucked into another matrix.
I have been inactive since December 2005. I recall attending a one-day Special Assembly and seeing just how controlling the organization is and how most went along with out question. I believe it was at the noon break. We were just told by the chairman that we were not allowed to eat in the auditorium and needed to move to the dining room. Everyone marched in unison to the dining room. It reminded me of the scene in H.G. Wells "Time Machine" when the air raid sirens started up and all the people started heading towards the underground entrance like they were in a trance.
It was about year ago when I first came to this website. I recall my father, who is a true believer, called me to tell me that I needed to get back in because the organization was going to close it's doors to outsiders, soon. So, I came here looking for info on last year's District Convention as I felt he was referring to something said on the program.
After about an hour of going through various threads I was certain that Jehovah's Witnesses have been a scam since the days of Rutherford.
I was standing in the Natural History Museum looking at mammoth bones. A couple facts finally clicked in my head, and I realized the flood never happened. My next thought was I could never go back to the KH. It all came tumbling down in the next minute or so. I felt very good.
I didn't believe most of what the JW's taught for a long time, disliked being a JW, disliked being controlled by damaged people but couldn't get out (wasn't financially independent). I was fading over a long time whilst getting educated. I didn't realise how bad / harmful it was until the BBC Panorama programme on pedophilia - having an outside party verbalising how bad the JW policies were was shocking. I shared this with someone I trusted and knew I was going to exit even if I lost my family.
It was difficult to absorb because all the JW's I'd known for years (some very nice) still seemed like the reality and the shocking TV revelations like the dream. There was simply no defence to the facts of bad WBTS policies that allowed abuse to exist.
Even after I successfully left it was a long time before I really knew the whole truth about the WBTS - JWN being the first JW site I looked at - confirmed so much of my thinking and experience and a whole lot more.
It came my sociology class in 2008 during my freshmen year in college. I had doubts before, but once I was college doing research I came to see the truth and I was both hurt and confused for a long time. Then an incident came up with some elders, then I left soon after.
My matrix awakening was while at a meeting just after the devastating Haiti earthquake. Many of the brothers were inquiring about a special collection for the victims and an announcement was made that "there will be no special collection for the victims of the Haiti earthquake. Anyone who wants to make a donation for this cause, please make a deposit in the World Fund box and the Society will put the money were the need is greater". I was shocked in disbelief. The coldness and uncaring way this was presented placed me wide awake. The same Holy Spirit who has not been able to give this Org a correct date for Armagedon is correctly going to separate money donated for Haitian victims and direct the monies to that cause. I was disconnected immediately and forever.
Mine's similar to NewChapter; there was a kangaroo at our State Fair, and for days afterward something was bugging me about it. Then suddenly penguins. The impossibility of such rapid evolution and transcontinental migration of so many unique creatures hit me, and when I tried to research the WT Library for answers all I found was an article where they actually endorse the Pangaea theory -- which, of course, doesn't work with the flood model. After that, my doubts started overlapping and the "truth" started collapsing faster than a magically-suspended vapor canopy.
The ironic thing is, the ONLY full public talk I ever gave as a MS was on Noah's flood and how it was possible. Just shows you have to be mentally ready before you can get to that moment.
When I was lied to during an elders meeting!