Matrix moment - what was it and when did you share it?

by MMXIV 48 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • lostinthought

    I remember driving home on a very clear summer day about two years ago and I was thinking (like I always do, just look at my username) and I just realized that it was not true, but at that very same moment "ever loyal"song 63 came on my ipod and I got really freaked out for those of you who don't know the lyrics to that song check it out cause it really made me afraid:

    So I cried my eyes out and begged Jehovah for forgivness...I continued going back and forth with what I beleived. I found things on the internet then I would go to the meeting and start to beleive again...I'm at the point now where I dont really beleive the WT society anymore.

  • Inisc

    I had all those niggling thoughts in the back of my mind, but didn't think too much about.

    But when I was being pressured to go out in service more even tho I didn't really have the time, and then a while after i had upped my hours, I was pressured again to go out and do even more hours, I started to think why should I?

    I did what they want and yet they are still not happy.

    My thought process had changed. Then when I realised that the elders were just men and were in no way affiliated with any holy spirit, the flood gates opened.

    And suddenly, I woke up.



    If it was the truth then you could part from it for many years, subject it to many tests and still be sure it was the truth. Sorry you learned the truth was a lie. Hope it's getting better. This is the first kingdom melody I've heard in 6 years and it doesn't affect me any more.


  • lostinthought

    I am getting better! I reached a real low this year, I was pioneering and hated cause I really did not believe but I had done it so long I thought I had to continue...I had some drepression this winter but amazingly it went away when I told the elders that I wanted to come off the list, I also told my mom and one of my sisters that I totally did not beleive anymore, they are accepting of me. I am still an active witness though (you know one step at a time) although latley I have not been doing anything extra, I only attend meetings and service on the weekend, I hardly study for the meetings for the kingdom melodies, I skip them when they come on the ipod, I only sing at the meetings...


    It takes a long time to get out of the system because it's all become so familiar. I took a decade to fade, but by the time I did, I'd got qualifications, built up a career, had a surrogate social network at my work and was confident. For years I spent no time with JW's aside from at meetings, and even then I arrived just before the song and left after the prayer.

    This is meant to be something refreshing and positive in your life - not a burden or depression inducing. I didn't realise how easy it was to leave in the end - it was my fear that was stopping me.

    Good luck :-)

  • blond-moment

    For lostinthought & everyone Look at what they do here. It's a mind trick called hypnotic bait and switch.

  • fade_away

    I had mine a year and a half ago. My wife woke me up really, but she wasn't fully awake herself. With the help of websites like these and Raymond Franz's books, we fully woke up together. We finally realized why the WT insists we stay away from websites, films and books from ex-jws. It exposes all their dirty secrets.

  • lostinthought

    blond-moment, thanks for that, it was very intresting...there is a lot of mind contol in the songs that's why I don't bother listining to them anymore. I am also currently reading Steven Hassen's second book (I finished the first one recently). Like I said, I did tell a few family members my feelings and my mom asked what my plan was, I really don't have one yet but like MMXIV did, i'm trying to build up some sort of support system outside of the JW's...thanks for your great words!

  • outsmartthesystem

    For me it was when I decided to actually sit down and do the research on 607 BC. When I was finished and there was a heaping pile of evidence for 587 and not a single shred for 607.....I was shocked.

    That and I recall sitting at a meeting and hearing a sister say "if the faithful slave tells us to do something.....then we do it! No questions asked. We do it and that's that!"

    This was followed by the conductor saying "Exactly......very fine comment".

    At that point I had actually begun to think critically. Normally that comment would have gone in one ear and out the other....but THIS time it resonated within me. I started actually paying attention at meetings and the cult control and governing body worship was absolutely amazing

  • Phizzy

    Mine came by realising that the 1914 doctrine is simply not in the Bible, I read Daniel 4 as though I had never read it before, and realised that the fulfillment was right there, in the same chapter as the prophecy, it then occured to me that the whole edifice, 2520 years etc. was invented rubbish.

    That was before I had gone in to the 607BCE nonsense that they spout. I said to an Elder that I could not teach what was not in the Bible and would not go DtoD for that reason, 1914 was not in there.

    He said he would get back to me, and never did.

    Whilst researching other matters on the Net I found others that said the 1914 doctrine was shite, it was heartening to find I was not alone ! and in no time I had found this site, what a blessed day that was !

    As a born in, with all my family in, apart from my lovely kids who left long ago, I was feeling rough, I knew my family would kick up, and I thought I would end up DF'd, so the future looked a bit bleak, family gone, friends gone, "hope" gone, no paradise Earth.

    All in all it was a difficult time, but I walked away from the cult, and have never regretted those steps in any way.

    The " Glorious Freedom of the Sons of ...".....JWN, is wonderful !

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