"Are They Witnesses?"
by OnTheWayOut 22 Replies latest jw friends
I tried to fix it, but hit "enter" too soon.
While traveling, we went to a place where my wife's best friend lives. We saw this lady with a very little baby in her arms. The best friend says the lady is a "Bible student" of some pioneer in town. So the best friend calls her on the street. "Sally, I want you to meet my friends."
The lady actually clutches her baby and turns it slightly away from us and says "Are they witnesses?"
I wanted to spit in her face, but wouldn't have because of the baby- 6 weeks old.
My wife answers, "Yes." Then she steps in and does what people do to say hello to babies- "Coo coo, how are you?"
I never bothered to say a word or step up to greet her. Whatever I have as an ex-JW might be contagious to her and her baby.
Give me a minute to edit this post.
posted 2 mins ago
What the heck man?!
4 minutes...
Thanks for the count. I can get more hits on a blank OP than on a good subject. They are no-brainers.
So I fix it and nobody says nuthin?
So the new mother is only a "study" and she's already afraid of non-JWs?
I feel sorry for that poor child...
Sorry, was still trying to comprehend it. It requires fake names.
So you and Wife are visiting Wife's friend Becky.
Now you, Wife and Becky are walking along and Becky spots a woman named Sally holding a newborn screaming infant named Yen Sid. Becky then informs you and Wife that Sally over there is actually studying to become a witness.
Becky screeches at Sally accross the street: "Get over here, I have new people to inflict on you!"
Sally clutches Yen Sid and places herself as a meatsheild between Yen Sid and the new people. Sally then squeeks: "Are they witnesses?"
Wife then assures her: "Yep, we're safe. No scary heathens here"
Sally is relieved and lowers her defenses allowing Wife make faces at Yen Sid.
This gives you the impressions that, had you not been labeled 'witnesses' Sally would have been afraid to let you near her offspring. Which is a bit offensive.
Ummm... what would have been the woman's response if the answer was, "No - they aren't witnesses?"
Would she...
a) Run screaming from you down the street?
b) Fainted
c) used the 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' finger point, and screech...
d) all of the above
It won't be long before she is differentiating between pioneers and publishers!