"Are They Witnesses?"

by OnTheWayOut 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thank you Lore, for your much more colorful version of my almost uninteresting story.

    Jim_TX, that's what I wondered. I thought she might walk briskly, only short of a run so she wouldn't drop the baby.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    c) used the 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' finger point, and screech

    This is what I pictured in my mind.

  • OnTheWayOut

    UC, I feel sorry for all children affected by the cult.

    Cantleave, good point. Maybe she will fit right in with the judgemental JW's, differentiating strong JW's from weak ones, commenters from non-commenters, elder's wife from "other" sisters, etc. etc.

  • 00DAD

    Q: Are They Witnesses?

    A: "No, they're real people.

  • Honesty

    00DAD sez:

    Q: Are They Witnesses?

    A: "No, they're real people.

    You nailed it.

    That poor 'Study' is already trapped in the mind numbing cult.

    I hope her child grows upu to be an apostate.

  • jamiebowers

    That poor kid is going to be a prime candidate for any jw child molester because of her stupid, stupid mother.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    It saddens me to see how so many vulnerable people will be preyed upon by religion and especially the WTBT$.

    But didn’t you know all non-witlesses have cooties? They're very contagious too, 'cause we caught 'em from Satan and his deemunz.

  • whathehadas

    Sally to OTWO

  • NewChapter

    WOW---she sounds like perfect WT material.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks everyone. It's hard to capture the essence of this story without a visual.

    That's pretty close to the look if we were to her right.

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