I Pads at Meetings

by seenitall 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal


    You make a good point about some not being able to afford one.

    The religion likes these poor JWs because they cannot afford an INTERNET connection in the first place. No internet connection. No finding out the religion's history! Thus, these people are less likely to leave the religion.

  • insearchoftruth

    I would guess they could add a 'hotspot' at the KH which would only allow access to the new and improved jw website so folks can download their 'spiritual food'.

    When I read about this sort of stuff it seems like the WTS is in a panic mode and is casting a large net trying to find something that will work. Spend all of your time in service, don't get a job, the end is near......but in order to get fed you will need a computer, an internet connection and potentially a tablet of some sort to be able to read the literature on, unless of course you want to print it from home, which is also quite expensive.

    It appears that the circle of the wagon's is getting ever smaller, more control over a smaller group.

  • Conan The Barbarian
    Conan The Barbarian

    In my Congo there is an older Brother, with more money than the US Treasury, using an iPad at every meeting he attends. He has been doing this for a long time. One of the Elders is a Bethalite, he gave a local needs talk about a year ago. The Talk siad that the use of these things were "a distraction" to the other members of the Congo. The meaning was "don't bring them to the meeting and use them". At the next meeting, the older Brother had his iPad and used it. He has continued without interruption right up to the present.

  • steve2
    how much time they spent at Hortons on their coffee and donut breaks.

    I think even the head-in-the-sand GB would prefer not to scrutinize too closely the end-of-month hours. The main thing they're interested in is that the total number of hours spent "preaching" - whether it be door-to-door or cup-to-cup - is increasing.

    On the other hand, the GB would find scripturally tantalizing the notion of an app that can detect unexpressed doubts in one's head about the organization. Now an app like that would be given the green light I'm sure.

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