Bucholz: Just do whatever you feel like doing. Tomorrow is another day.
Feeling a little weird today
by Bucholz 21 Replies latest jw experiences
It's part of the guilt trip. Mind control runs deep, I think even more so for us born ins. Harder to get to real self than those who started off with a real self. But those mental mind bombs do start to go away.
Sounds like your gut is telling you not to go, and the guilt trip mind bomb is telling you to go.
Consider going "Jesus-style" - Be invisibly present. - 1 Peter 2:21
That's how I'm going this year.
wha happened?
wifey is going with her family. I'm not, haven't in years. It took a while for it to fade, and I wasn't born in
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Are you considering it just to make your friends happy?
If you have no desire to ever go back, then why would you go and string them on?
If you go, partake and get that anointed number north of 12,000 this year. Otherwise, stay home and enjoy a cold one doing something you enjoy. In fact anything is better than going to the KH to listen to BS.
Thanks each and everyone of you for your advice. I decided not to go.
Watch hockey instead. If you're going to watch things get 'passed' around, might as well be a puck!!!
Thanks each and everyone of you for your advice. I decided not to go.
I believe that you are doing the right thing by not attending.
Can you imagine how Jesus feels, watching 15-19 million people at His meal and less than 1/10 of 1%
obeying Him.
Heath N
AWWW Do we have to go? Is there a script of the Memorial available for those not able to go or
choose not to go?