The Watchtower is trying bring back Ancient Israel

by sabastious 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    One notable thing that you can see in the WTS's emulation of the ancient Israelites is that men were curtailing the power around and for themselves.

    Power was just as corruptible as it was then, as it is today.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Excellent point. I think they would bring back stoning if it was legal.

  • james_woods

    Not much of a "holy feast day" when they dropped food service at the assemblies.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I hated when they would cite those scriptures. I always commented that it was the old law, and we're not celebrating those festivals, so what the Frick?

  • thetrueone

    Too bad they don't have the meals anymore during Assemblies, I used to work in the kitchens during that time and found it a pleasant relief from

    the boring repetitive talks. You think people now cant wait for the final prayer of the daily sessions occur, just imagine what it was like

    when everyone there could smell the wafting of roast beef and mashed potatoes. There was at times a stampede to get in line for dinner.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    That was relief for me as well. I always did food just so I didn't have to sit in the cramp plastic seat at Dodgers Stadium.

  • LongHairGal


    I always felt that way. They even ACT like they are a little village in ancient Israel. Only problem is that we all have to to work and function in the real world around us and not play this game of pretend!

    I feel they are more in love with the old testament with its multitude of rules and cruel punishing God than they are with the new testament and Jesus and his gospel of love. I guess this is too simple for them. Not much to build a religion around.

    So they love the old testament and the Mosaic Law and its nitpicking rules and I got the sense they don't want to be reminded that Jesus came and was the END of the Mosaic Law.

  • WTWizard

    All Christi-SCAM-ity is trying to bring back ancient Israel to some degree. The witlesses are more blatant about it than most other denominations, but you still see a certain amount of belief in the Old Testament lies as literal events. When I was little, as a Catholic, I remember vaguely the stories about Noah and the ark. There may have been other Old Testament stories they tried to incorporate as literal, but not as blatantly as the witlesses.

  • mP

    if you read the bible, practically every woman was a whore. those jews or canaanites sure knew how to have fun. its always whoring this and that.

  • EmptyInside

    Yes,it irks me,because Jesus was the end of the Mosaic Law. But,it seems they base all their rules and "principles" on the Law of Moses. At least get with the New Testament folks.

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