The Watchtower is trying bring back Ancient Israel

by sabastious 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mP


    at no stage did jesus say in si ple words we are to ignore the laws of moses. he himself observed it, remember he went to jerusalem to celebrate passover. he also did not deal w/ gentiles as rewuired by the law. his own apsotles themselves believed the law was still in effect, recall paul was the one who argued against circumcision and won. if jesus truely said such a thing, then why did the apostle believe the opposite.?

    xians tell many untruthd, this is just another invented scripture that does not exist. show me if im wrong.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Very perceptive, that's exactly what they are. When you step back and look at them, Jehovah's Witnesses are a kind of quasi-Jewish sect masquarading as a Christian religion. Jesus is only given emphasis as a great angel and miracle worker, they focus entirely on God's old testament name even restoring it into the NT without a shred of textual support, they don't partake of the emblems at the memorial, etc. Even their name suggests they are more of a kind of Jewish sect rather than a Christian group. My mother, a devout JW for over 45 years even mentioned this once, saying "why don't we call ourselves Jehovahs Christian Witnesses...Jehovah's Witnesses sound like a Jewish sect or something."

    JW's definitely need to be more a Christian religion with Christ at its centre rather than putting the OT before the NT. They've kind of missed the point of the death and ransom of Christ and his Lordship, preferring to constantly hark back to the OT.

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