Empty seats are a sign of the times. I guess it shows some people are finally waking up. I know I did.
I Just Found Out That The Elders SAVED A Seat For ME For The Memorial
by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends
I remember when my mother used to boast they had such a large number that attended the Memorial, so I aked her where are these people the rest of the year? Also, I said well, that sounds like Christendom, when everyone just goes to church on Christmas and Easter. Of course her weak response was, "well some of them still come out" . . . .yeah right.
I know of a woman who says she can't go into the Hall because of perfume so the elders went to her in the parking lot to let her handle the "emblems".
Isn't it against the rules to save seats? It is at the assemblies....
Theory A: He just wanted to brag to everyone that he had convinced an inactive to come.
Theory B: It wasn't an actual seat, because a 7-UP dot does not need a full-sized seat. -
There were a lot of empty seats last night at the KH where I was coerced into going. The numbers do seem to be going down around here.
I'm guessing it was the "hot seat". I wouldn't lose any sleep over missing out on *that*.
UPDATE: My mom told me that an ex elder who I barely tolerated told her he would visit me the next time he's in my work area. (I can hardly wait).