They will continue beating their fellow slaves because the master is delaying.
How Will the Society React to the Hundred Year Anniversary of 1914?
by slimboyfat 56 Replies latest jw friends
I think they might actually put it out there that a GENERATION = 100 YEARS and then change it again at the end of 2014.
Oh yeah, then they will BRIEFLY say it is actually 2015 that is the hundred year mark, then at the end of 2015 they will change it to something else. They will probably blame the 2015 or 2014 mistake on forgetting to carry the one or some other math mistake.
SBF, I have been wondering the same thing. I go for #1 but I didn't win the lottery either and I really thought I had a chance at it!
How about stage TWO of His Invisible Presence? The Scourge of Locusts mocking the world and telling people the door is shut to them?
Or perhaps they'll throw a big anniversary party and invite all the non believer's aswell.
They already reacted with their "generation overlap" making the 100 year anniversary irrelevant since there are still many alive from that generation...
They won't even mention it.
It will give them another opportunity to ask "Is It Later Than You Think".
Behind the scenes, they'll be celebrating the centinial celebration of a great Corporation. The bestest organization ever!!