Are you fornicating with your spouse?

by Stealth 30 Replies latest social relationships

  • rhett
    Ladies, wouldnt it be fun to corrupt a witness guy?
    I have yet to meet a man who doesnt love oral sex.
    What is he going to do, push you away? Highly unlikely.

    Not always true. Back in my old congregation (Northwest of Evansville) one of the guys I was friends with (Greg Dimmet) was over at a friend's house (Jason Mendoza) and this girl (Candy Winners) who wasn't a JW started going down on him. From what I heard of it he only let her do it for a few seconds before he pushed her away. Next day he called the elders and confessed to them. Crazy thing was since he was considered a good little JW boy who stopped it and repented nothing was really done to him. Guess it didn't hurt that his mom (Mary Dimmet) was one of the big pioneers. Greg was a really nice guy but I never could stand his mom though. What was funny was right before I got married (he got married just a few months before me) he tried to talk to me about how just because my wife and I were getting married that doesn't mean that we could just have sex anytime we wanted to and that we needed to control ourselves. I didn't have the heart to tell him we'd been humping like bunnies for almost a year before that..............

    I don't feel like Satan but I am to them.

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