Racism on the forum / Treyvon Martin

by Simon 96 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Simon

    I've just been catching up on some of the posts that people made about this case and I am appalled at the blatant racism demonstrated by certain individuals.

    Yes, you are entitlted to your opinion ... but at some point your opinion needs to be kept locked inside your ignorant biggoted empty skull and not come out of your stupid fat mouth. It especially shouldn't be posted on MY forum.

    Such racism will NOT be tollerated here.

    I also would like to publicly apologise to Outlaw for not being on top of this earlier and making sure that he wasn't lumped in with these despicable people for simply pointing out how out-of-line their behavior was. Sorry my friend - you did NOT deserve that and I understand completely why you have had a break from the site.

  • botchtowersociety

    Hello Simon.

    I am not a racist person, but if I have in some way transgressed in your opinion, I'd like to know it.

    This is a very divisive, heated case, as you know.

  • Simon

    I think the people concerned will know who they are.

  • botchtowersociety
  • Berengaria

    I can honestly only think of one. And it's not Botch, or me, for that matter.

    Make OUTLAW come home!

  • AllTimeJeff

    Just got home and am glad to read this. (for what my opinion is worth)

    Many have stated this year that the new racism is to deny that there is racism in our country today. That way, the battle can be fought on flawed logic instead of what the evidence suggests.

    I grew up in the deep south and esp Miami, and I am here to tell you that racial prejudice, while shrinking , is still out there big time.

    I am disturbed, but not surprised, that threads on this forum regarding Obama (specifically) or Trayvon Martin (amazingly) always turn into a theatre to indulge right wing, neo-con bullcrap.

    Why would I debate someone so mentally ill that they would dare presume that Obama is a Muslim? Why would I respond to someone so naive and I'll informed that they think the Martin shooting had nothing to do with racial stereotyping?

    Because I can't let ignorance go unchallenged and uneducated.

    Being a former JW, I can tell you that being ignorant isn't the big sin. STAYING ignorant is. With a heart full of inherited hate. That is the real battleground.

  • botchtowersociety
    Many have stated this year that the new racism is to deny that there is racism in our country today.

    Perhaps, but to ascribe "racism" to any whom disagree with a certain political view is a fallacious and risible argument.

    I am disturbed, but not surprised, that threads on this forum regarding Obama (specifically) or Trayvon Martin (amazingly) always turn into a theatre to indulge right wing, neo-con bullcrap.

    Trying to press all the buttons, aren't you? That's awfully one sided as well. I wish the locked-down thread were available as evidence.

    In my estimation, it is racist to call someone racist just because they disagree with someone from the so called "protected classes," or think the evidence might point the other way in a case.

    Facts are facts and let the chips fall where they may.

  • AllTimeJeff

    BTS, I have never called you a racist, nor do I think you are. But others who side with your political views are racist, and that is not a fact that can easily be dismissed.

  • botchtowersociety
    BTS, I have never called you a racist, nor do I think you are. But others who side with your political views are racist, and that is not a fact that can easily be dismissed.

    Irrelevant. There are plenty of racists that side with yours. Is that easily dismissed? Does that justify painting you with the same brush through guilt by association?


  • NewChapter

    Hi Jeff!

    Yes the threads have been frustrating in this area, but the offenders are always the same. It's a tiny minority, thank goodness.


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