I hope Outlaw will return. I enjoyed reading his posts.
Racism on the forum / Treyvon Martin
by Simon 96 Replies latest forum announcements
Nelson Mandela, a man I've always had tremendous respect for...
"We enter into a covenant that we shall build a society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right to human dignity – a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world."
Nelson Mandela, Inaugural Address, Pretoria 9 May 1994"I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons will live together in harmony with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for, and to see realised. But my Lord, if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."
Nelson Mandela, defence statement during the Rivonia Trial, 1964. Also repeated during the closing of his speech delivered in Cape Town on the day he was released from prison 27 years later, on 11 February 1990. -
Colour prejudice............a 'pigment' of the imagination.
" The NAACP and similar organizations have yet to forget some of the crimes committed by the Klan that are a part of their legacy. I don't need to be refreshed on the extinct ideology of racism over an unrelated instance of random violence. I could be mistaken, but it seems to me, that race oriented organizations and a complicit media have turned this into a theatre of left wing bullcrap. That's the gist I've gotten so far."
*raises eyebrow*
Really? Have you asked the victims of the holocaust and the Jewish community to forget? Get back to me when you've made that move.
*raises eyebrow*
Really? Have you asked the victims of the holocaust and the Jewish community to forget? Get back to me when you've made that move.
Living survivors of the Holocaust are quite old, older than those closely associated with the murders of civil rights workers in Mississippi.
It's not the same thing. There are educational programs for the awareness of genocide associated with the Jews. Nothing like this threatens any minority in the United States.
Righteous Pictures and The Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education, in partnership with synagogues and institutions across Miami-Dade County, proudly present three chances to view the Award winning documentary, The Last Survivor, Stories of Four Survivors of Genocide and Mass Atrocities on April 1, 2 and 3, 2012.
Righteous Pictures believes it is imperative that communities in the U.S. are educated about the factors and behaviors that lead to genocide so that they will be better equipped to take an active role in advocating against it and ultimately, in preventing it.If the killing of Treyvon Martin was clearly a “hate crime,” I would gladly acknowledge it and take an active role in advocating against it. In light of all the media conjecture, I'll just wait for the Florida state attorney's decision and let the courts decide.
Hey, nice to see you there, mrsjones!
Simon....good. Well said.
If the killing of Treyvon Martin was clearly a “hate crime,” I would gladly acknowledge it and take an active role in advocating against it. In light of all the media conjecture, I'll just wait for the Florida state attorney's decision and let the courts decide.
Well of course you will. Meanwhile, for some reason, the Sanford officials let someone who killed someone off the hook w/o a proper investigation. The someone who killed the other someone, it looks like, had race as at least one motivation for singling out the victim to harrass.
I guess what I'm saying is that, if you pull your head out of your ass, YOU....not the media, YOU - will conject that this is a case that, even if not a classic case of "hate crime", likely has a strong racial component.
Further, if your head gets used to breathing clean air, you might, just maybe, possibly, with time, learn to feel some righteous passion for such injustice.
But that's generally too much to wish for from people who say the things you've said.
wha happened?
with that angle, racism didn't exist before the civil rights movememnt, evidenced by the fact that the courts decided otherwise
"The NAACP and similar organizations have yet to forget some of the crimes committed by the Klan that are a part of their legacy. I don't need to be refreshed on the extinct ideology of racism over an unrelated instance of random violence. I could be mistaken, but it seems to me, that race oriented organizations and a complicit media have turned this into a theatre of left wing bullcrap. That's the gist I've gotten so far."
First, none of us should EVER forget the crimes committed by the Klan. Those crimes are part of OUR LEGACY.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Second, Trayvon's killing was not 'random violence.' George Zimmerman was a self-appointed neighborhood watch guy, looking for 'suspicious' people who did not belong in the neighborhood. Zimmerman saw black, sober, teenager Trayvon 'walking' and 'looking' and what zimmerman's mind saw was an 'asshole' (his words 'these assholes always get away') who looked like he was 'up to no good' ...like he was 'on drugs or something' and he called 911! Emergency! Danger! Back kid 'walking and looking'!
It was not 'random'.
Race IS a part of the story.
Thank you, Simon.