I thought the whole thing is about a day for a year anyway.
Inspired by the nudge to look at the Daniel's prophecy book (I love the Governing body - AND SO SHOULD YOU)
by therevealer 16 Replies latest jw friends
That pub is not all that old. 1999. Jah's chariot is moving so fast they (the gb) can't even keep up.
Thetrueone: I agree with you 100%
Thetrueone: I agree with you 100%
ahhh .... It was first thing in the morning, I had just woken up and it was the first thing I saw.
But I admit the thread title could have been a bit better.
therevealer good one though.
In any case it was a good bit of info and how the WTS. are always trying to self identify themselves as something which
they are obvious not. The WTS. has always postulated their own self identify as being god's chosen organization which in reality was firstly done
to enhance the appealing validity of its published works toward the public, a kind of self induced marketing strategy.
Why not create you own BS if its going to help in the sales of your goods and help to create a semblance of power and control for
the leading editorial writers as well. Dirty corruption covered over by religious virtue is the game of religious book selling charlatans .
I feel so humiliated that I am never going to post again . . . . Until next time.
I love the fact that the GB of the JWS/WTS organization puts all their self supporting trite in their magazines for others to have a glance.
Most religious organizations keep this kind of self identification behind an office door.
Way to go you arrogant ignorant saps
There are tons of these "small" mistaken prophecies strewn all over the floor like candy wrappers at a kiddie party...