This Year's Memorial the Shortest Ever

by compound complex 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quandry

    Didn't go....happily. Sorry you had to, CoCo.

    I do remember when it really was the "most important night of the year." Everyone bought new clothes. We invited people to our house afterward, or went to someone else's home. Now, seems like everyone just wants to get it over with.

    Over 11,000 partakers? Ha! Wasn't it supposed to be an identifying mark of true Christians that the number would decrease every year? It was around 8,000 ten years ago. And now they actually ADVERTISE the fact that it's going up?

  • 144001

    "4. The "brother" who appeared to be wearing his polyester pants backwards;"

    Please, go on.

    More details about this individual? Ok, given the tone of the board lately, I'll avoid any discussion of his ethnicity, other than to say that he's not a "brother" as that term is commonly used outside of the kingdom hall. He was middle aged, balding, and rotund. He wore brown polyester slacks and a sports jacket. Due to his significant girth, the pockets of his pants were very stretched out, which drew my attention as it looked odd. Then I realized that his pants were on backwards.

    I was more entertained by this one:

    3. The single mom "sister" who kept walking back and forth to the bathroom, so she could strut her stuff in front of me and act flirty (winks, smiles, etc.);

    It's nice to feel wanted/desirable, even if you're wasted and enduring the most torturous night of the year. But even if I was available, I would never have a romantic relationship with a JW woman. I have enough problems in my life . . .

  • Gayle

    why does the WTS even publish the number in the yearbook at all? when they have stated they don't even keep a list and that to their own admission many of them have mental probs?

  • WTWizard

    You think that was disrespectful? If I ever got dragged to one of those wastefests again, I would pack a Ouija board and start working it during the program. Instead of "Amen", I would give a "Hail Satan". Then pull out the Ouija board. When they pray for the crackers and spoiled grape juice, that would merit another "Hail Satan" instead of "Amen". All the while, dressed with a T-shirt with Satan's sigil on one side and the sigil of another well known demon on the other.

    I wonder how long it would be before whoever dragged me got disfellowshipped for bringing in Satan.

  • Jim_TX

    I didn't go to the memorial this year, so perhaps I shouldn't comment. (In fact, I haven't been in over 30 years.)

    I seem to remember in the past, one or several memorials that were made short purposely, as they had 3 different congregations that met in the same hall, and needed to evacuate as quickly as possible so that the next group could get in and do their memorial.

    This usually caused all sorts of confusion, as the people from one group would be leaving, and meeting people from the next group coming in. Since they hadn't seen each other in years (or whatever period of time), they would stop to chat, all the while being urged to leave, and the new group being urged to sit down. Then there were those that couldn't be rushed, and wanted to stay and chat with friends. Quite a circus act to see.

    But... that was years ago. I'm sure that they have got that bit worked out by now, and don't need to have more than one congregation meeting in the same hall.


    Jim TX

  • slimboyfat

    It just seemed shorter because you were enjoying it so much.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, it was very short for me because I did not attend LOL. This was a first for me!

    I am sure you got the right feeling about how people wanted to get it over with and get out. I always felt that way and would positively squirm in my seat.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I thought noah preached for 120 years Jam.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Ugh, not mine.

    The pampas blowhard giving the ear enema wouldn't shut up; I felt like I was listening to a monotone evangelical energizer bunny who’s batteries were running low.

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