"My Dream Has Come True" I have a bullshite story in the latest watchtower.
My Dream Has Come True latest tower last page
by therevealer 51 Replies latest jw friends
Captain Obvious
I the April one?
Not sure what you mean?
july 15th watchtower last page an article that I think is pure unadulterated bull shit
Please give concrete examples.
wha happened?
scan please
um, I don't have the magazine - you'll have to kindly elaborate. Thank you.
wha happened?
www.jw.org w12 07/15-E
Yet, Emilia's secular job took too much
time, and this obstacle was robbing her
of joy. Once, in front of her fellow workers,
she groaned: "I wish I could work
fewer hours!" Her boss heard of this and
approached her to ask if that was true.
Emilia assured her that it was. However,
making it possible required the approval
of a director because company policy required
a total commitment from all the
employees. Our sister prepared for the
meeting with the director and prayed for
peace and courage.
During themeeting, Emilia tactfully but
boldly requested a cut in her hours of
work. She explained that she takes advantage
of her time off to help others:
"I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and
I help people spiritually. Nowadays the
moral character of many is weakened.
They need clear values and standards,
and the wisdom that I share from the Bible
is invaluable to them. I do not want my afterhours
activities to lessen the quality of my work
here, but I would like to have more free time to
help people. That is why I need my hours on the
job reduced."
The director listened carefully and said that he
once considered undertaking charity work. Then
he said: "For the reasons you presented, I feel I
must agree with your request. But do you realize
you will earn less money?" Emilia said that she
did and that if necessary, she would simplify her
life. She added: "My most important goal is to do
something really fulfilling for people." The director
told her: "I admire those who unselfishly devote
their time to others."
No one employed by that company had ever
had such favorable terms. Emilia is now allowed
to work only four days a week. To her great
surprise, she was given a pay raise, and she
earns as much as previously! She says: "My
dream has come true, and I can regular pioneer
Have you thought of adjusting your circumstances
to enter or reenter the pioneer service?
"My Dream Has Come True"Fifteen years ago, Emilia was serving as a regular pioneer. However,
she had to discontinue her full-time service. In recent years, she has
often reflected on that most joyful time of her life, and she again
wanted to increase her share in the ministry. The director told her: "I admire those
who unselfishly devote their time to
others" -
darth frosty
Nowadays the moral character of many is weakened.
They need clear values and standards,
and the wisdom that I share from the Bible
is invaluable to them.Yeah thats sky scrapper level bullshit!
thanks wha happened?