or let me rephrase.... WE ALL are worldly people. The only thing superior about being a JW is the EGO
Was everyone surprised by how nice worldly people can be?
by Inisc 35 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
I was very sensative to this kind of behavior as I started to study at 24. So when i would hear some sort of stupid urban myth I would jump in. I hated it.
Now I'm a year into my fade I have met some of the kindest 'worldly' people that would put many JW's to shame.
JW's show 'love' to others because it they think they'll earn brownie points from big ole Jah.
Many 'Worldly' people show kindness to others just because they are decent caring people with no ulterior motives.
I have found they accept you for who you are with no plans to get even more 'Jahbrownie' points for persuading you to join their cult.
I was 'shocked' to discover that 'Worldly' people are not all selfish, immoral, borderline criminals who actively despise JWs (rather than being indifferent towards them).
In comparison, I now find 'Worldly' people better 'adjusted' than JWs.
wha happened?
One thing I noted when I was studying, is that non JW's seem to understand boundries better. 'dubs seem a bit aloof of what boundries are. Walking in or inquiring about things that don't concern them. Very nosey.
J.W's are not wordly, they do not live in the real world, they live in watchtower La La Land.
I was born in, and in for way too long, but I always had a good number of friends who were not, and had never been JW's.
So basically I never took on board an attitude towards non-witnesses that judged them, I just felt that maybe one day they would see the "truth" as I saw it. I never preached to them in any way,I felt that was a breach of etiquette, they could listen when a Dub knocked on their door if they wanted to, I did not feel they were free to tell me to piss off if they wanted to.
I remember on a few occasions being pleasntly surprised, and a little ashamed, when some of them had stronger principles than me !
I find all the non-witnesses I know to be O.K , and some are outstanding individuals, all of them are much better people overall than J.W's .
I was not born in, but my long association in the org had convinced me that worldly people were not good at their core---even though all of my friends and family had been 'worldly' when I fell into the trap. The thing that really impressed me was how generous and supportive they would be---sacrificing if you will---to someone they didn't know that well. I have received amazing kindness from people that just didn't know me that well. And that has grown into some wonderful friendships----the kind where they will drop everything to come to my aid, and I for them----and they don't care what I believe and don't threaten to withdraw if I read the wrong book. The relationships are much more stable since they don't hinge on common belief.
Generally speaking, people are a lot more friendly when you aren't waking them up on Saturday mornings to tell them that they are about to be destroyed at Armageddon if they don't join your religion.
I hate the world "worldy" I always have. Lets call them normal people from now on. Since my awakenning I've realized the beauty in the diversity of peoples personalities and character. Sure they cuss and goof around sometimes but at the core everyone is human and many will help you out if your in trouble. It doesn't take a religion to give you a good heart and mind filled with compassion for your fellow man. Ultimately its just a choice you make and hold yourself to not a belief system. I find myself being more and more extraverted around everyone now accept other witnesses which I have to watch my ass around so as not to do anything that would stumble them or cause them to go tattle on me for. I'm still in a lot of anguish but my sense of freedom I think is winning the battle for my mind and heart.
I still have very hard time accepting it. And I am almost speachless out of surprise when someone shows they genuinely care for me. When they take time out of there day to listen and try their best to understand, it blows me away. I tend to wonder what it is they want from me, because of being taught that all worldly people are too selfish to care. Even though I know it's not true that all worldly people are evil, selfish and conniving, it's still hard to get past that brainwashing I've had since childhood.
The Indian kNose