I had one, (of amny), incidents of JW's calling my family liars. There was a sister who was looking for property in our territory. It so happened that my Uncle, (a non JW), was as well. My Uncle really is a super nice person and very generous.
Well the sister found a house and was preparing an offer. My Uncle stumbled upon the same house, but passed on the offer when he discovered there was some work done on the property without a permit. Someone had converted the garage into an apt. When my Uncle was telling me about the house, where it was, etc etc, I recognized it as the same house the sister was making an offer on. So I passed the info to the sister. When the sister questioned the agent about the work, the agent told her it wasn't true, and that my Uncle said he was going to make an offer on the property. Well we knew what the agent was doing. Well the sister tells her friends that my Uncle is a dirtbag for trying to steal her house from underneath her. I get upset and call her on it. The only question she had was whether or not my Uncle was a JW. I said "no". She just smirked and walked away. Well I didn't let her get away with that and I let her have it. Then the brothers got involved and I was acussed of making an accusation against a sister that were unfuonded. I refused to apologize, and even the brother I was studying with got on me. I just said I was right, my Uncle was trying to help her, so she should apologize to me.
Well guess what. She buys the property and the city makes her tear down the garage. She sheepishly tells me about it. All I would say to her was, "so my Uncle was right?" I repeated several times but no apology. I should have taken that as a hint and never been baptized