Gutless WTS Leadership From the "Confidentiality" Letter

by LostGeneration 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Suicidal????? Lets bomb him with bible verses......"The meek shall inherit the earth and lambs and lions will play together in paradise....etc etc....ummmm.....why are you putting your head in the oven?

  • slimboyfat

    Well if they hold off having a judicial meeting then that means holding off disfellowshipping doesn't it?

  • LostGeneration

    SBF- My take is that is basically leaves a lot of latitude for the elders to decide.

    In such cases it may be best for the committee to suspend the
    hearing and focus on helping the person to regain his balance. In any event, the elders should treat
    the person with extreme thoughtfulness and kindness

    Basically, Dickhead Elder can say that he is calling BS on the suicide threat, and proceed with the JC. NiceGuy Elder may be different, and let the person "regain their balace" whatever that means. Again, the WTS carefully walks along the top of the fence so that there is plenty of room for the local KH to carry out the execution JC.

    Either way, they still have it wrong. If they had one ounce of compassion and dignity for the sheep, they would say this:

    In such cases, it would be inappropriate to hold a judical hearing. The person should immediately be referred to their local mental health facility, and/or appropriate law enforcement for treatment. Elders would want to take the extra step of first calling and then driving the person to the appropriate facility to insure their immediate and long-term safety.

  • daringhart13

    Yeah.....go out in service more. Pray. Go door to door. Study. Witness to others......rinse, repeat.

    Its sort of like telling an Olympic sprinter with a blown knee to get up and run a little more. Run some wind sprints. Run some stairs. That blown knee will feel better in no time.



    The confidentiality letter protects them, not the rank-and -file. It can also protect an Elder who threatens suicide because of mental unbalance. This happened in my congregation. Elder Judgey Mc timeslip goes mental and check himself into the looney bin. A close family member, also a high ranking Elder makes sure the congregation never knows, after all its confidential. So after being released, Judgey Mc Timeslip keeps right on serving. No one knows to this day, except family and one sneaky dub. Brother Judgey Mc Timeslip is still a pillar of strength against apostasy.

  • 00DAD

    I thought the term "felo-de-se" in the letter was odd.

    21. In addition, elders should immediately call the Legal Department for legal direction whenever they learn of an actual suicide, a threatened suicide, or an attempted suicide, since legally this is also defined as self-murder or felo-de-se.

    My mother is a retired judge and I myself worked in the legal profession as a paralegal for years and I have never once heard this term. So I looked it up:

    Felo de se, Latin for "felon of himself", is an archaic legal term meaning suicide. In early English common law, an adult who committed suicide was literally a felon, and the crime was punishable by forfeiture of property to the king and what was considered a shameful burial – typically with a stake through his heart and with a burial at a crossroad. Burials for felo de se typically took place at night, with no mourners or clergy present, and the location was often kept a secret by the authorities. A child or mentally incompetent person, however, who killed himself was not considered a felo de se and was not punished post-mortem for his actions. The term is not commonly used in modern legal practice. - [Emphasis added]

    So why would the WTBTS use an archaic legal that is not commonly used in modern legal practice ?

    One can only speculate, probably they think it makes them sound smart and educated. But it does reveal their medieval legalistic approach to dealing with people. I'm sure they'd love to confiscate the property of suicide victims and bury them with a "stake through his heart" if they could! Apparently this term was abandoned in English common law by the 17th and 18th century. So why would they use it? Weird!

    Wow, how could I ever have been part of this crazy stuff!

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Someone in research perused the old dictionaries Da Judge kept at the Bethel library.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Yet another evidence they do not fulfil the law of love and do not even have love among themselves let alone as good samaritans.


  • Balaamsass

    WOW- That letter must have been written by an insane pharasee....or a very smart attorney who wants elders with half a brain to wake up or who wants to intervene somehow......?

  • LostGeneration

    BTTT due to the new Awake on suicide

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