Fernando says we are "all" dysfunctional

by Phizzy 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Chariklo

    Hi Fernado!

    Yes, I'm totally with you on this! The Watchtower tells a whole series of clever and subtle lies whilst condemning the so-called "lies" of "Christendom".

    Sorry about the two posts above. It seemed as if I couldn't submit, my mistake, I then corrected the html and found I'd done it twice!

  • JRK

    Hell, I know I am dysfunctional. But at least I admit it, and that takes guts.


  • Phizzy

    Now you are all upsetting me, 'till I started this thread I thought I was perfect and fully together ! (not really, I recognise I am a "suitable case for treatment").

    What I was picking up on was the presentation of someone's view, (in this case I picked on poor Fernando), as though that is the only "truth", Perry does it in another thread, "One Lord, One Saviour - get used to it " or close to that, this arrogant way of saying "I have the truth, you had better listen" was shoved down my throat by the WT for decades, and I no longer take it lying down.

    Your belief is simply that, your faith, nothing more, and worth no more than anyone elses, no more valuable than someone who holds an opposing belief.

    Do not trot it out as "truth" , just offer it politely for our consideration, you may win more converts that way, Jesus did.

  • Twitch

    I used to have a shirt that said "who give a fuck what Frankie say". This Fernando and those of similar opinion reminds me of it ;)

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Hmm, didn't know I was broken.

    Oh please tell me more about myself I din't know.

  • robB

    Fernando is correct because his point is biblically true. The Bible is true because it has proven itself by the fullfillment of prophecy.

  • erbie

    Hey, I know I'm dysfunctional anyway. Stopped worrying about it years ago.

    I pity people who are regimented and errr................normal. Like the Witne$$e$?

    Hell to that!

    I paddle my own canoe and I'll paddle it up shit creek if I have to ;)

  • 00DAD

    Well if Fernando says it, it must be true!

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