Man becomes gay after having a stroke!

by usualusername 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • usualusername

    Following a stroke, Chris Birch's personality and sexuality altered dramatically. Now he is trying to rediscover who he is and why these changes may have happened. read more in link.

    Do you believe its possible to become gay?


  • the_raisin

    I've heard of cases like this. Some part of the brain becomes affected due to injury, and perhaps it does alter one's ... preferences.

    I believe it can happen. Stranger things happen...

  • ohiocowboy

    That was a very interesting article! I can't say for sure, but I personally feel that he may have had latent homosexual feelings that came out (pun intended) after his stroke. He says that there is a lot that he can't remember from before his stroke, so maybe he forgot that he had some homosexual tendencies, even though he considered himself Straight. It will be interesting to see future studies of this. It may shed more light on Human sexuality in general.

    I have read stories of Stroke victims who were never musically inclined, who, after a stroke all of a sudden sit down at a piano and play as if they had years of experience. The brain is an incredible thing, and there is no telling what secrets get unlocked when it is affected through a trauma, stroke or some other stimuli.

    I am glad that the young man appears to have healed fairly well from something that has devastated many others.

  • Nambo

    Oh, one of those strokes, I still carry the JW teaching that masturbating can make you gay.

    Do they still have that teaching?

    I did used to read a lot of the old literature in the abscence of luminary progression.

  • jwfacts

    Nambo - Oh, one of those strokes, I still carry the JW teaching that masturbating can make you gay.

    You beat me to it. lol

  • Nambo

    Only by 18 minutes JWF, and only because Iam on night shift am I not at work.

    Maybe we could start a poll, find out the validity of JW teaching being from God by asking how many remember being straight, until they started bashing the bishop and became gay as a result.

  • jwfacts

    By Watchtower stats, since they claim 95% of men masturbate, and masturbation leads to being gay, that means most people must be gay.

    Watchtower 1973 Sep 15 pp.564 In this age of promiscuity one must agree with the doctors about the general "universality" of masturbation. Look at the statistics: "Every serious statistical study that we have shows clearly that . . . at least ninety-five per cent of boys and young men between thirteen and twenty-five years of age pass through periods of habitual masturbation of varying lengths," says one authority on the subject. As for girls, this source says that "forty to fifty per cent are found to actually masturbate." ..

    Watchtower May 15 1970, p. 315 Helpful in this regard, then, is appreciating the fact that autoeroticism or masturbation is no mere innocent pastime but rather a practice that can lead to homosexual acts. How so? In that self-induced masturbation may make it easier and more tempting for one to engage in mutual masturbation, which is a form of homosexuality.

    Of course it is really the parents fault.

    Watchtower 1973 Sep 15 pp.568 If one understands the cause, it is easier to implement the prevention and cure of a bad habit. Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become masturbators later on?

    Sorry to hijack your thread usualusername. That was a very interesting article. It is hard to determine if that was the cause, but it will assist with research into brain and sexual orientation.

    Well, in my old congo. there is a black sister from Chicago. After she had a stroke, she was suddenly speaking with a Jamaican accent. Some people at the hall were suspicious of her faking it, but I asked myself, why the heck would she fake it? I thought it was pretty cool. Maybe one day I would have a stroke and wake up with an Australian accent. Hey mate, how are you doin'? Let's throw another shrimp on the barbie after the meetin'. Pip pip now, I'm off to service. Really though, if she was faking, she deserves an award, cuz the accent has lasted for years. Maybe secretly she wished she were from Jamaica? Hmm I often wonder if I end up getting Dementia like my grandmother that I'll think I'm Jo from The Facts of Life. AWESOME! lol

    But seriously, WTF~"Did you know, for example that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to masterbate later on?" What the hell country or parent does this? I've never heard of such a thing!! Damn there are some real freaking pervs at the WTBTS!!!! If anything, sounds like the WTBTS is encouraging pedophilia I can't even get myself to put in the words for a search on this. Just f'ing sick!

  • WTWizard

    This is very possible, and shows that being gay is not a moral issue. People can be born that way, develop this condition because of ingestion of certain chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system, or because they are psychologically abused. Or, they develop hangups (usually because of the very churches, synagogues, and mosques that bash gay people so vehemently) and do not get past them. Still others are part-gay, and can go between gay and straight (and bisexual).

    Now, this does little but highlights that religions that go around bashing homosexuals are bashing people for having a medical condition. Would they wish to bash people simply because they are a little shorter or taller than normal? Or people that have different color perception than normal? Bashing gay people is no better. Much of the time, it is not only not their fault but it is partly the fault of the churches that create the hangups in the first place. And, if a medical condition causes a person to become homosexual, that is the least of their worries. Rather, they should be focused on gaining a normal (gay) lifestyle, and preventing further injury that might be more disabling or deadly next time.

    And, it highlights why the LIE-ble is rubbish. That book makes no allowances for people that are naturally gay (or are gay because of the hangups that the LIE-ble itself creates). And stimulating the babies to masturbate later as a reason to not stroke genitals of their babies? I think masturbation is the least of their worries--especially if these are the same parents that are dirtifying sex in the first place.

  • NewChapter

    Oh, one of those strokes, I still carry the JW teaching that masturbating can make you gay.

    THIS ONE practically made me spit out my drink!

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