The no blood thing is just a fabrication on the part of the WT. Even Orthodox jews take transfusions. The bible also mentions that in the case of blood getting consumes as the result of strangulation, there's an easy remedy. It's just symbolic and I really find it hard to beleive that splitting hairs on when a blood cell arrives in the womb makes any differance to JW's.
Life is in the blood?
by sinis 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have heard the blood as to what you can take and can't take explained using the Ham sandwich as a guide to show that you can eat all parts of a ham sandwich, just not all of them together. Where as you can take into your
body all fractions of blood, just not at once.
Wow, To me, that is the most absurb explaination I have ever heard. How did their policy justify taking part but not all the parts at once. As a nurse, I transfuse blood frequently,
we usually transfuse, red blood cells, plasma and/or platlets; we never transfuse them all at once. I allowed my mother to bleed to death because she had always said she would not take blood and carried a card to that effect.
I don't know when they came up with this policy but the jw I have met won't take blood in any form.
Interesting question. It raises a more complex one of when life starts? Life does not start for a JW until birth (their first breath I think when they get God's spirit). Unborn children do not get a resurrection. It a bit of a contradiction that they then say abortion is murder.
That is an interesting observation/question. I would think that when the ovum attaches itself to the wall of the uterus it would began receiving blood but I am not sure. I never thought about it. The blood tests tell you many things
about what is going on in the body, so maybe that's why they say that the life is in the blood. They would not have known any of this back then. I am not really sure when the medical or scientist field discovered all these
things out. Interesting subject for research if a person was so inclined.
My mother's last child was still-born.He was a full term baby. I remember her saying that he would not be resurrected because he had never taken a breath outside the womb, then I thought they (org) said still born babies would
be resurrected. I don't know. The WBTS is always changing their mind and messing with peoples minds and lives. They seem unaware of how their teachings and reversal of their teachings/policies affect the members.
No mater which way you look at it, religion is a symphony of ignorance played before an listening audience .
The performers may change as well the music they perform.
The ancient Hebrews most likely thought life was in blood because whenever an animal or human was slaughtered, there was a profusion of blood draining out and life seemingly stopped.
That's a big part of it. Another aspect of it is that it visibly spurts and flows; it moves. Movement = life. For instance, the Jews referred to flowing water (as opposed to still water) as "living water".
That's a big part of it. Another aspect of it is that it visibly spurts and flows; it moves. Movement = life. For instance, the Jews referred to flowing water (as opposed to still water) as "living water".
Another logical viewpoint Leolaia
@thetrueone... our thoughts were very similar and I am with you on the "blood flowing from sacrifices" theory. I was also thinking that since the ancient ones were so warfaring, during battle the first thing to flow from a human was blood after a strike from a foe, bloods flows, the warrior loses strength, collapses and maybe dies. Thus blood becomes sacred and becomes Mystical. Another poster thought me the mystical theory. If it was a "God" thing to make blood sacred, why not also the heart, liver, pancreas, things which humans could not live without? They had no knowledge of these body parts and their importance to continued living. Guess the light needed to get brighter.
Interesting question. It raises a more complex one of when life starts? Life does not start for a JW until birth (their first breath I think when they get God's spirit). Unborn children do not get a resurrection. It a bit of a contradiction that they then say abortion is murder.
I`m curious paul, are their any quotes ? from any publications that assert this ? ( life does not start until their first breath ?) And also unborn children do not get a resurrection ? I know I`ve been out for a long time but this is news to me .