Visit from anointed

by wezz 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • wezz

    So tonight I get to be graced by the presence of one of the ‘anointed’. Last time he visited to ‘help me’ I told him that I have a problem with the 1914 date. Now obviously every single aspect of this date is wrong, but I started off by asking how come they end it in 537 instead of 539, when the king of Babylon obviously received his punishment in 539, as foretold by Jeremiah.

    After first telling me, “so what difference does 2 years make” (yes, I know!), he then said he will go and research it further and come again, which is tonight. At the last visit he also spoke about the increase in wars etc. and how WW1 was worse than any previous wars put together before. He also spoke about that Time article which mentioned the prophecy being fulfilled.

    Now I’ve done plenty of research on this, but I believe that one can never know enough. Also, my believing wife will be there, so I might be presented with some opportunities.

    Any suggestions for discussion related on the above?

  • Nambo

    Ask him why, if the annointed are the recepters of the "new light" as it gets dispensed, how come we are seeing annointed get disfellowshipped when they try and reveal this new light, especially when it reveals 1914 to be an error.

    How can Jehovah make things right if the GB act the same as the Sanhedrin and stone to death any prophet whose message they dont like?

    Makes them seem more like the evil slave than the faithfull and discreet one.

  • Chariklo

    Well, speaking personally, my biggest question would be:

    "Tell me, how do you know you are one of the anointed? "

  • wantingtruth

    "Any suggestions for discussion related on the above? "

    If he is a real anointed , he should believe Jesus Christ words !

    There is no place for such interpretations and calculations which leads toward years like 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975 ... in Bible .

    --- After studying the Bible I came to see/realize that God have ever known that He wrote regarding ancient events in an “hidden way”( Proverbs 25:2 ),

    and so, He didn’t command to his worshipers to find the real/exact chronological data of events of human history (or about its empires and states from Adam until today)

    in case He would command this , knowing how difficult is to come to a conclusion in chronology and how much time it requires , then God’s worshipers would be called “historians” not “Christians”

    Please have the courage to present to him this material.

    and if possible also this one .

    Greetings .

  • irondork

    Ask him if he a REAL annointed person or one of those emotionally disturbed ones and can he please provide test results from the lab to prove his stability... for lack of any other evidence associated with the claim of spirit enhancement.

  • outsmartthesystem

    I would grill him over and over and over again on 607BC. I have OODLES of info on that subject. Without don't come to 1914. Without 1914, you don't come to 1919 and the supposed selection by Jesus of the "bible students" as his "faithful slave". Without christ's selection of the "faithful slave" they have no basis for authority.

    Once 607 is does not matter how many wars have broken out. It does not matter if Time magazine spoke of WWI as a prophecy being fulfilled. All of that stuff is smoke and mirrors. He needs 607 to be true for any of the other stuff to matter. He is trying to build a flashy mansion on swamp land.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I guess if 2 years don't mean much, then neother does:



    Blood issue

    Last days

    and the list goes on. I find it funny that JW's will contradict their own doctrine simply to be right

  • thetrueone

    and how WW1 was worse than any previous wars put together before.

    There were actually more wars and rumors of wars in ancient times.

    The only difference between those times and are modern times is the population difference of the waring nations.

    Thats an old deceiving trick by the WTS. to connect 1914 with with the return of Christ, through the dispensational teachings.

    What most likely happened is that since 1914 was such a stringently connected of a date (year) doctrine by Russell via Pyramidology,

    Rutherford didn't want to throw the date out completely so he devised his own calculation , which through close examination is wrong.

    A said anointed JWS is just as libel to tell the same BS that any other JWS has been taught or should I say brainwashed with.

  • outsmartthesystem

    It does amaze me that witnesses will say "does 2 years really matter?" or "I don't get caught up in all the chronology stuff". It is like they don't even realize that the entire reason their religion exists is BECAUSE of their unique chronology.

  • thetrueone

    I like to hear a anointed JW say well the WTS. bullshited a bit to sell literature.

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