or the fact that the chronology was developed using a pyramid
Visit from anointed
by wezz 19 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe ask him if it's really true that Bible Students preached that Jesus was to return in 1914 some 40 years before it happened??? (obviously they didn't since they were teaching that Jesus has already returned in 1874) If he does say yes, get him to show you the publication that says so. Now if he does say thay they preached Gentile Times were to end, you can ask him if that means same time as Jesus returned or did that mean that the last days were to begin in 1914 (again it was taught at the time that last days began in 1799). You need to be very very specific with these people.
As for 539/537, you can ask why did Russell teach 536 to be the date and not 537/539. And why did Russell believe that 536bc was the date when Cyrus conquered Babylon and today we know it was 539 and yet the calculations still ends in 1914. What's the deal?
Thanks for the responses. What a waste of time. Got the usual, show me another organization that preaches, is neutral and teaches these doctrines. Apparently my reading of Jeremiah 25:12 where the end of the 70 years prophecy the king of Babylon will be punished is just me putting words in Jehovah’s mouth. What a joy to 'read together' the scriptures that show how foolish worldly wisdom is(1 Cor. 1& 2 and 2 Thess. 2). Some of the highlights was "everything follows perfectly and the things that happened in 1914 prove this" and when discussing the one war which claimed many more lives that WW1 (JWFacts), I got "it’s impossible, I don’t believe it". Yes ladies and gentlemen, a futile exercise indeed. I should of known better...
Broken Promises
At least you know now through experience that it's a waste of time.
Hey wezz!
Congratulations for giving it a go.
I find patiently testing the MATRIX (religion) and the irrational thinking of its captives to be very educational.
My own personal challenging 3½ year journey out of the MATRIX began with a single simple question: "please explain to us what is the gospel in one word?"
This taught me that questions work best. The simpler the better.
So that remains my favourite question of all time. Especially since the gospel has specifically been designed to lead to the ultimate antidote to the MATRIX.
There are a few more favourite questions. They also redflag the ignorance of captives in the MATRIX and hopefully this induces them to question their ignorance on something that is Christianity 101 - again hopefully starting them on a journey of actually using both their necktop and desktop computer for some genuine research.
"How many times does 'the anointed' appear in the New Covenant scriptures?"
"Could you please explain to me from the heart what is 'legalism' and its exact opposite?"
These type of questions bring captive persons dangerously close to the MATRIX kill switch - Neo (Jesus).
Personally for me this is way better than just partially exposing the MATRIX through its errors (607, 1914 etc).
Understanding the problem apart from the solution still leaves captives vulnerable.
Another possible line of questions (furthering Fernado's thoughts) are, "Scripturally, what is 'the Truth'? What is being in or coming into 'the Truth'? What does it mean?"
Is 'the Truth' an organization? Is it a set of doctrines? If the answer is 'yes' to either one, ask to see the Scripture that says so.
After all, organizations are made up of imperfect people who frequently get things wrong, so an organization can't be 'the Truth' (cp. Ps. 118:8,9; 146:3). Doctrines that were once thought of as 'truth' are found to be error - countless examples in JW history - and there continues to be a mix of truth and error in interpretations of the Bible, so 'the Truth' cannot simply be a set of changeable doctrines (cp. 1 Cor. 13:9-13).
The Scriptures that answer the question are,
John 14:6 - Jesus is the truth;
John 17:17 - God's word is truth;
1 John 5:6 - the spirit is the truth.
By the way, the 'anointed' have no greater insights or more holy spirit than those of the 'other sheep' have - it's official.
"However, genuine anointed Christians do not demand special attention. They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special 'insights,' beyond what even some experienced members of the great crowd may have. They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the other sheep have; ... " - w07 5/1 p. 31. See also w52 4/15 p. 255-6.
wezz, can you give an update?
Do you still check in here?
Just ask him this simple question, where in the bible does god lie to his people as a makewait until he finnaly reveals the truth? Because if jesus picked Rutherford as the one true religion the channel of communication then there must be a problem since they have gotten a whole lot of things wrong since then.
Nice material