Since the newest Body Of Elders letter was put on the internet, would your status be affected because of watching porn at all??
Do YOU View Any Type Of Porn? If You Were Still a JW Would You Be Able To Enjoy "Privileges"?
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would your status be affected because of watching porn at all??
It wasn't when I was still in. I wasn't stupid, you see. I never told anyone I was watching porn.
but you're supposed to, UC. Tsk Tsk
okay, so take a week away from my everlasting life...
You'll never make it into the New System, I tellya.
Mr. Falcon
The only real sinners are people who still actually PAY for porn in this day and age.
You'll never make it into the New System, I tellya.
Prolly not. But then again, no one else will either. There are two kinds of people. People who make porn and people who watch porn.
A close friend of mine when I was still attending told me that "someone told her" that in a scene from a porn film, in the background "someone" noticed one of the publications, hhmmm, very interesting. But then again not really, I'm sure quite a few "someones" in the Borg are quite familiar with porn.
Mr. Falcon
hahaha Bethelite Bitches Vol. 8
Shirley, let's guess what the publication could be. This could be fun.