Perry you have been debating these questions for years. What is the purpose of it? It sounds like you already decided what to believe. Are you trying to convince others to believe as you do?
Questions From Thinkers
by Perry 186 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Give him time rebel8, understanding science is a process. I looked at the archeological evidence for civilizations pre-dating Adam and Eve for many years until I could say it sunk in and I was able to let go of ideas I was raised with. The consequences of Adam anot being the first human and the origin of Original Sin are tough for a believer to sort through.
I have imagined science and faith married. I understand the faith of Abraham to mean men on Earth forever. I am disgusted with religious people that seem to teach that everlasting life is a guarrantee for putting faith in Christ. Christ came so the world might be saved through him. That is how I understand it. It does not say Christ came to take people out of the world, does it?
If mankind can find the way to live in peace with love (any thinking person must know that security is not real except WITH God) they will find the way to sustain Earth FOREVER with intelligent life FOREVER then the resurrection.
I am not offended one bit by your questions Perry. I hear you've been asking for a long time. Good for you for hanging in there!
LeavingWT, That picture and quote is one of the greatest comebacks I have ever seen at this site. Love that movie!
still thinking
corpusdei....I have come back to read your posts now I have more time...and I thoroughly enjoyed them...thanks
*sigh* Perry, did you even read any of the answers offered? You're not here to "preach from the pulpit" you are here to engage in a two-way conversation.
If these questions are supposed to be rhetorical, why not mention that at the beginning, instead of wasting our time on a mind that has already been made up?
Ohhh how I have missed Perry, his logic makes me feel so special.
There is a truth out there that Perry needs to understand. There have been thousands of gods worshiped by billions of people for the past 10,000 to 30,000 years or beyond. That is a fact.
Was the mountain god, weather god, ocean and river gods real or invented by mankind to serve a special need? What about the Greek and Roman gods? Did they ever really exist? Any other gods you remember that were real? So where did all of these thousands of gods come from? Did people of old make them up? Yes they did. How do we know that because they always reflect the culture that made them. They evolved, became part of a belief system and then died off.
Now somewhere in our history maybe 1400 BC or earlier the Hebrew God was invented and that god fit the hebrews to a T. And that's what makes a god powerful. About the time this god ran out of gas......... Jesus came on the scene and long after his death Jesus was reinvented and emerged as a new god, one the Greeks and Romans and some Jews could use to fill in the gaps left by their old gods, the wannabe gods, the gods who were dismissed or abandoned.
Today the Jesus god, Allah, Buddha (I know not really a god), the Hindu gods and another bunch dominate. It's like nothing changes, we are still sitting around our camp fires making shit up and making sure other people buy in to our illusions. Each and everyone of them was invented by man and endowed with our various cultural outlooks. We make up gods to fit our needs and cling to them until something better comes along.
But for the first time in our history large numbers of people, 1.3 billion, have decided not to be affiliated with a specific religion. This group is growing and the actual number may be far larger, since in some cultures one does not get unaffiliated and keep ones head or family.
There probably will always be some type of god being worshiped and holy men calling people to prayers. But it is finally starting to change.