To the body of elders in xxxxx.
I no longer wish to recognised as one of the Jehovah's Witnesses due to the fact that I no longer believe that this 'organisation' is truly representing him because :
I have experienced greater and unconditional love/friendship with the people I am supposed to hate 'worldly people' than I did in this congregation. People here are gossipers, presenting their own views as of the 'society'
I always took big interest into history and have recently been studying the history of Jerusalem as well as took interest in archaeology and I simply can not accept some of the teaching of 'The Watchtower' which I was not aware of before my baptism. The teaching of Jerusalem being destroyed in 607 B.C. and not 587 B.C. is not being presented in an honest way.
The theory about earthquakes being in an increase has no scientific backing whatsoever.
Idea that I was being led to believe about Jehovah's Witnesses being the only organisation doing the preaching work is biased and untrue.
Changing of the doctrine numerous times shows lack of consistency in teachings... adapting to get more believers does not show honesty. I know scriptures talk about 'light getting brighter' – that is true but it does not talking about 'light changing from dark to light and then to dark... and then to light again'. 'Light getting brighter' implies that there would be at least light at the beginning not a complete change of the doctrine back and forth every now and then (for example : organ transplants; blood – now we are able to take blood fractions – with no scriptural backing)
Probably there are a few more reasons but there is no point in mentioning them. I would like to say that I will always love you all and that I wish you the best but that would be an overstatement and only partially true. I wish you no ill will but I can not be happy for people who are not honest; biased and showing love only to certain member of the congregation and not everyone in it. It was a very depressing experience going to the kingdom hall and seeing all of the private clubs everywhere around. I really hope I will not hear from you soon and make not that if I will repent... I will make arrangements for a meeting so please do not try and give me a shepherding call...
Yours faithfully
What do you guys think?