Civil Rights Violation in our own backyard. . . .

by DCs Ghost 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • KJV

    Xander..what makes you don't think that I am not serious about this issue? Animal lovers have rights too!! What gives you the right to stick your dick in some guys ass but I can't stick mine in my dogs pussy? At least my dog's pussy doesn't have shit in it! There are millions of animal lovers in this world that need to speak up!! In fact what is nice about making love to your animal is that only one consenting adult is involved, I've never heard a german shepard complain! ARF!!!

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    sorry to correct you but
    click on this

    if you follow
    it will take you to this:

    The November, 2002 Elections: The majority of the representatives in the Vermont House are anti-civil union. The margin of our pro-civil union majority in the Senate, in the meantime, is only two votes. A loss of as few as two pro-civil union seats in the Senate would erase the pro-civil union majority in the Senate. If that happened, and we did not pick up over a dozen pro-civil union seats in the House, some families in Vermont could once again be vulnerable, and the legal rights of Vermont's gay and lesbian citizens threatened, as repeal of the civil union law would be a strong possibility. For more information about other organizations working to support candidates who will protect all familes in Vermont, you can visit

    i wouldn't say it is over just yet or that they are not being taken serious


    There is no way a Constitutional Amendment can be kept "quiet." Any such amendment would have to be ratified by (as I recall) 3/4 of all the states before it becomes law.

    it takes 2/3
    of the REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS to ammend the constitution not the states, these reps are the ones that vote not the people and it takes 51% majority to pass a BILL
    so even if the constitution is not ammended it could potentially raise problems for unmarried heteros as homos alike, follow the ACLU link i posted for Xander

    one more thing, although 'quiet' it has stirred up enough controversy to catch the attention of the ACLU and raise close to 500,000 signatures at the petition my initial post linked everyone to, aside from the letters the senators and house reps have recieved, both through adn private emails,


    "we do not see the world as it is,
    we see the world as we are. . ." Anais Nin

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