So, basically, you are in effect saying that we should disown our thinking abilities because you feel a certain prophecy has been fulfilled?
If this is what your organization teaches you, you can keep it.
by nananana 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So, basically, you are in effect saying that we should disown our thinking abilities because you feel a certain prophecy has been fulfilled?
If this is what your organization teaches you, you can keep it.
This is what I heard in my head when I read the OP.
You can believe all the articles you can listen to all the talks, you can pretend to be special...BUT
There is NO validity to the prophecy found in MT 24:14; it’s just a stone age collection of contradictory fictional short stories. So religious....don't waste your time spending countless hours studying articles and reading books to convince yourself to stick with the Imaginary Bearded Sky Daddy's organization. No matter what "evidence" your cognitive dissonance pretends to find, you cannot ignore the obvious fact that there is no evidence whatsoever that any supernatural being exists or that the bible contains any truth. In fact, you cannot ignore the fact that in order to believe in Jah, you also need to believe in the many other gods who have ancient books too, if you’re going to be consistent with your logic.
In summary, as humanity learned in the Crusades, "Religion is just an excuse to wield contrived power over others. You are choosing an evil path, and that’s on your head. I am clean."<-->
It doesn't matter if the religion preaches in obedience to one scripture because a lack of love found in the organization invalidates anything they do as Paul wrote. Plus Jesus never said the true religion would be identified by a preaching work but the fact that love exists. Try not being a mindless drone for a while like I have since I woke up from the mind control one year ago and love dries up pretty quick among those who are mindless active zealots who are driven to do so because "momma" said to hate anyone who doesn't look or act like a drone.
What JWs fail to realize:
1 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come.
@nanana. It's only a matter of time until you wake up. Posting here in direct defiance of the GBs direction? That alone tells me enough about you to say with confidence that you live a "double life" and loosely apply counsel to yourself while having an uncanny ability to apply everything perfectly to everyone else. Don't be too embarrassed as this light is revealed to you. You are welcome here now and when that time comes. Sincerely.
" NO other organization can begin to rival the success and magnitude of the prophecy found in MT 24:14."
I don't know, I think the Catholics have spread their message pretty far and wide.
Going to empty homes at 10:30 on a Wednesday morning doesn't really mean much.
uh, left the building? I guess he must have had a busy time out in the KH filed circus today.
good post refriedtruth....
jgnat...I'm definately going to have to read some plato now......what book are you reading?
Two questions re Matt.24:14:
1) What do you say is the "good news" that only Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching throughout the world?
2) Depending on your response to (1) above, why do you say only Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching it?
One thing really opened my eyes.
I read Matthew 23. The entire chapter.
If that isn't a perfect description of the Watchtower Society then I don't know what is.