BOE 2014-11-06 Procedures when legal issues are involved
by wifibandit 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals
breakfast of champions
Ok. . . So when they brought a gazillion cases to the Supreme Court in the 20th century, they were "defending and legally establishing the good news."
When others use the judicial system they are 'proud, greedy and litigious.'
Please give this information your prayerful consideration.....Watchtower
Dear GAWD!..
Please Don`t Let Any Of This WBT$ Crap Land Me In Jail..
So, basically, even though we're making a bunch of organizational changes that essentially gang you out to dry if someone should sue, you need to follow our instructions for your own protection.
Is it me or are they not just reinforcing that pedophiles need to be protected, and any failure in that regard could legally endanger the elders themselves, even though the opposite is true?
The GB has completely lost it! Look at paragraph 14. It says, "Handling reports of other crimes: When the alleged criminal activity on the part of one of Jehovah's Witnesses or someone associated with the congregation as the accused or the victim, they should immediately call the Legal Department. In some cases, the elders will form a judicial committee to handle alleged wrongdoing that may also constitute a violation of criminal law (e.g., murder, rape, child abuse, fraud, theft, assault). Generally, the elders should not delay the judicial committee process, but strict confidentiality must be maintained to avoid unnecessary entanglement with secular authorities who may be conducting a criminal investigation of the matter."
I can't make this stuff up!!!
I can only see the first 5 points. Is there more? I am assuming there is, I just cant see it. -
millie go to the link at the very top of the PO (full set) -
Oh thanks, I see it now that you pointed it out! -
Thanks so much for this leaked info !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
It's all pretty disgusting!
Point 18 : when dealing with a disruptive visitor..." Let him know his invitation has been revoked" Say what?? They can do that?
When we went to the elders about not wanting our daughters molester in our congregation, they told us he had every right to be there?? I guess they don't mind traumatizing a young child as long as he sits quite! That's some BS!!