The five reasons you may be unhappy-

by moshe 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Our 12 year old daughter has been very unhappy lately (middleschool blues) and I tried to think back on the things that have made me unhappy in my 60+ years of life-

    I condensed them down to five categories- let's see if you good JWN'ers can come up with any categories I missed--

    You want something you don't have

    You want someone to do something they don't want to do

    Someone makes/wants you to do something you don't want to do

    You have lost/missed something important and can't get it back

    Your are sick and not getting any better (poor health)

  • moshe

    Well, I just thought of another

    - someone lied to you or betrayed you

  • jgnat

    I have been most unhapppy if I am ignoring or have not recognized a basic need. Anger turned inward.

    As an aside, it may be that the unhappiness of youth is more intense as they have no experience that it is survivable.

  • WTWizard

    Always being told that anything that makes you happy is a sin. Religion that consistently says that anything that is basic human nature is wrong, and expects people to do more to fulfill the religion, makes many people miserable. And that always being fake-happy just makes the problem worse.

    And always being told that someone is your "head". Women have it worse here, because the LIE-ble places men above them, whether in families or in congregations. Men have to heed their pastors (hounders), who have to heed their bishops and archbishops (hounder-hounders and hounder-hounder-hounders), who have to heed the Archbishop of Canterbury. Or, in the Cat Lick church, they heed the cardinals. Cardinals heed the pope. And even the pope has to heed the Jesuits, who heed the few Jews at the very top of the whole thing.

    The other 2 major right hand path religions share this headship. The names are the same, but they all heed those few at the very top. How many are at the top? Somewhere near 13 families that are trying to run the whole world, with the Rothschilds at the very top. Everyone is supposed to heed King Rothschild? Who makes everyone under him miserable, save his immediate family and whoever else is directly in position to take control. Notably, they proclaim that bashing the Jews (who are running the whole thing from the very top) is "offensive", comparable to racism--when they themselves are racist, homophobic, sexist, and hate all religions except the ones they run. No wonder so many are unhappy.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I agree with your list, Moshe.

    One secret of happiness is not doing what one likes, but liking what one does

    Today I am happy.

  • moshe

    The wise person looks at that list and realizes that you can modify personal expectations to meet current reality. When my father was in a nursing home and in a wheelchair he was always saying, I'm doing good- I have my meals, I'm not in unbearable pain, I have nice ladies who take care of me, I can dress myself, go to the bathroom by myself, feed myself--He was his own man until his last week of life.

    Other people would be totally depressed about having lost their full mobility- but not my father.

    JB- my dad must have read your book-

  • talesin

    Similar to being sick long-term.

    You are in a situation you do not like, and cannot change it.


  • Nambo

    Whilst the listed points might result in a level of unhappiness, there will doubtless be other things in your life that will bring happiness and act as a balance.

    You dont even need a reason to be truly unhappy, it occurs when there is a total lack of happiness in your life, that means when there is nothing, emptyness, no happiness, without even the hope that something happy will come along next week.

  • moshe
    You are in a situation you do not like, and cannot change it.

    I think a lot of JWs are just pretending to like their life as a JW- if only they were honest about their feelings--

  • talesin

    I agree, Moshe, and especially those folks who are afraid of losing their children to the cult (I have a couple of friends who are living this nightmare because of divorce and power struggles with parents and ex-partners who have more money and legal backup).

    I was also thinking of people who are in a job they hate, but can't leave because of financial considerations. The other thing I was reminded of, was how I felt about school. I loved school and learning! But, because I was such a social outcast, it was emotional torture.


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