The Idiocies of 1975 Still Have Hold Over a 28 Year Old

by okage 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • okage

    If any of us forgot just how thick the average Jehovah's Witness can be, here's a little story.

    My friend, a 28 year old JW, got into an accident about a year ago. She hit a horse and killed it, wrecking her car. She told everyone she knew that it was pitch black and she couldn't see the horse until the last second. Her JW family believes her story a hundred percent. I don't but I'm paranoid when I'm told to trust the JW Personality of any person.
    I drove down the road and it's very well lit. You can see about two miles ahead, so how this horse came out of nowhere is a mystery to me. She also had a guy in her car, something she tells my wife, but not her family, and I told her brother that I'd been down that road and it wasn't pitch black. He swears it is and I told him I'd take him to show him, but he said no. I told him she told my wife she and this guy went out and were drinking, he called me a liar.

    The guy gives her a new car and eight days later, she side-swipes a truck. Says it was the other driver's fault. Even the brother called her out on this, saying she was probably texting at a red light and didn't pay attention to anything else and that it's not the first time she did it.

    Now we're here today. The owner of the horse she killed decided he was going to press charges. Somehow, he heard she got into that second "accident" so he believes it was her fault, not the horse's. So he's suing her. His lawyer sent my friend four letters trying to get ahold of her. It's my belief he wants to get the story clear from her side to see if there is a case.

    She's ignored all four letters because she "has no time" for a law suit. She told me that if she sees the lawyer, Jehovah was going to come before the trial was over anyway, so she doesn't care.

    She's 28 and firmly believes that crap about the end being "imminent." It's going to cost her everything she has, since she doesn't really have anything.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    She sounds like an idiot who should be staying off the roads.

  • okage

    Not kidding. The side-swipe "accident" is the fifth accident she's had since 2005.

  • Diest

    She keeps misjudging how long that theocratic 'just aroud the corner' is, so how could you expect her to properly judge any other distace while driving.

  • ShirleyW

    Why hasn't her license been revoked, sounds like it should've been. The girl just can't drive

  • okage

    @diest - lmmfao! @ShirleyW - It has, but not for the reasons it should. She's a Mexican native, so when she let her Residency expire, she couldn't renew her DL. She was driving for a year with an expired license, so the state took notice and suspended her license for a year. She is STILL driving with that suspension. The other day, she came by and asked for help to update insurance on her guy friend's car. She used to live here so alot of her mail comes here. The letter from the insurance company was under the four letters from the lawyer. Only the insurance letter is gone.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Sounds like someone need to check and see if her bible contains a hidden flask.

  • mrsjones5


  • james_woods

    Double Wow. Do you realize that if somebody doesn't get the keys to that car, and hold on to them permanently, she is very likely to end up killing a person instead of just a horse?

  • Giordano

    I can't believe I'm saying this but where's an Elder when you need one? At least a backroom chat. She could kill some one.


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