The only mass exodus was what? in 1925? 2014 will likely bring a yawn
1914 - 2014 ,,,when the ( truth about the truth ) will be seen by all.
by witchtowerwitch 51 Replies latest jw experiences
yadda yadda 2
There wont be a mass disconfirmation like 1925 or 1975 but there will still be a definite cooling off in zeal, a slowing down in field service and drop-off in meeting attendance, I'm quite sure. From 2015 I think there will be disillusionment setting in for a lot of loyal born-ins who are now middle-aged with busy family lives, stressed out, who are just hanging in their for their now elderly mom and dad and their dwindling social networks. When 2014 comes and goes this sector of the JW population will cool right off. More and more will just put in the most token, perfunctory effort to maintain social ties only.
Captain Obvious
Theyll have to quietly drop the 1914 thing, or just stop bringing attention to the generation thing altogether.
Those who are still in, or still reading the odd mag will notice the society's attention turning more to the "marks of Gods true organization" than historical "proofs" like they used to use.
They just make up a list of things about themselves, and call that the "marks of true Christianity".
Anyone else noticing this?
We can only hope that after 2014 people will wake up and see the light. Hopefully before they waste any more time.
I still live near to the KH where I used to attend. Across the street there is a biking/running path which I go to several times a week after work. They have quite a large parking lot and several congregations participate using this place. I agree with you all that I would like nothing more than to see this religion exposed for the false prophet that they are and see their numbers drop to zero. Yet, I am amazed that this parking lot is always full. I mean... car's parked on lawns full. With all of the info that is out there exposing their fraudlent organization... How in heck are all of these people still there? Have they hired David Copperfield the illusionist? It puzzles my mind. Don't get me wrong.. I have noticed a decline in field service in this area. Several years ago they were a constant presence. Now you hardly ever see them. But. mass exodus? Don't see it happening. Their Loss Prevention people are very good and two steps ahead of the unwitting Witness. No pun intended on the last comment.
I do see a slight decline and less joy in the witness but I feel that it will not affect much.
I asked my 30+ year pioneer mother in law in 2008 what she thought was going to happen when the 1914 generation is gone and Armegeddon hasn't come. She said the system can't go on much longer.
I told her "You just watch...they'll come up with some new light to extend it out even longer, just like they always do"
A few months ago I asked her what she thought about the new generation teaching. She didn't seem to know what I was talking about. Then she said. " Oh that....I don't pay any attention to that stuff "
I wondered what she was intening to teach her Bible Studies when this topic came up in their study.
We are all hoping for a dramatic fall of the organization so as to feel a sense of vindacation over all the lost time in our lives we've suffered for being so gullable for so long. I don't see it ever happening. They are selling a dream and as long as people need a dream to hang on to, they will do all in their power to keep it real. I think the Society is making it less complicated for it's members to keep their dream by tapering back on the obligations one must fulfill to be part of the dream.
wha happened?
If the zeal for the door to door gets to near zero, they will just redifine it. Such as, when u study or ponder on God's message, u have dedicated a time of your day as a sacrifice to Jehovah. Parents already get time in if they have kids. It can be anything but yes, I agree that 2014 will just be a buzz kill to the dubs and service time will go down. Then they just redefine service, just like when they cut hours for the pioneers to keep their numbers up, and pie sliced an hour to get publisher, "least interested in knocking on a door" to finally turn that time slip in.
And then who knows, maybe the magic numbers will go back up, and then fudge the annointed numbers and 2014 is a yawn
Aussie Oz
They have been moving dates since Russells day and they will continue to do so.
In a few years the old guard will be gone, and they have a better chance to totally re-package the scam, dropping 1914 altogether. I think their wacky doctrines will continue to suck some in, the paradise earth being the bait.
The problem will not be doctrine, but that they will have no capable people, young ones with any sense are leaving, or leading double lives, and those ones will not take on any responsibility.
They will be left with the uneducated zombie JW's only, that is what will finish them off, ineptitude created by the exodus of talent woken up by the Internet.