The GB knows that 1914 is a problem. I went through the CD ROM and found that 1914 is being mentioned less often in Watchtower literature.
1914 - 2014 ,,,when the ( truth about the truth ) will be seen by all.
by witchtowerwitch 51 Replies latest jw experiences
Fugue, well done. Those graphs are very impressively put together, never mind the fact that they make a very strong argument - i.e. that the Society is already distancing itself from 1914 (apparently with no alternative chronology to take its place).
yes, I've been looking forward to the year 2014 for about 20 years as I have always believed it would prove them to be the liars that they are (not that we need proof, common sense will do nicely).
However, as mentioned earlier, I do not now think it will make any difference to them. They are brainwashed and the only hope they have will come from within their own selves. Nothing else will make a difference but we all live in hope.
I do indeed hope to see the WT$ 'melt down' in my lifetime and maybe 2014 will have a share in this.
I'd laugh if they came out and said, well we may have made a mistake concerning the time regarding the destruction
of ancient Jerusalem, it appears the correct time was 587 BCE , not 607 BCE., therefore Jesus didn't take seat of his heavenly Kingdom until
1934. So we can expect we are still in a time frame of a generation(s) Therefore keep buying and selling are products
Well, it is possible I suppose.
They have been known to make the odd mistake ;)
Everything is faded to mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten the lie became true..
This is how WT manages to carry on forever
The way the WTS. has created so much bullshit over the years in the name of god, you think they would be embarrassed by now but nope.
Oh well thats commercialism in the vein of religious expression.
Sell Sell Sell
Maybe they could go back to the Pyramid at Gaza, and remeasure the passageways and say, "Hey, Brother Russell only had a ruler, thats why he got it wrong, but with todays sopisticated electronic measuring equipment, we can catogorically state.:-
"Jesus had invisibily returned in 2014", this generation will by no means pass away!
Oh, I feel like joining up again, what joy, maybe they will have an assembly at Cedar point in 2022 as well so they can claim to fullfill Daniel 12:12
You guys are funny,,,,,and you make me laugh,,,,if it all wasn't so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not funny ok!...........1914 is a giant lie people,as 587 b.c.e. was the correct date of the temples first desrtuction,and according to my research,their is no double prophecy coming from the book of Daniel,no such thing as a prophetic 7 times with no 2520 years - 7 x 360 = 2520 years ok!John A.Brown a christian wanna be wacko of about 1800 first thought this shit up,but Charles T. Russel and the W.B.T.S. took all of the credit for it.Shame on them,see God says in John 14:28 that no one knows the day or hour,but only the Father in heaven.Yes their are other time prophecies in the bible,and yes the bible does mention the rule of 7 world powers before the end comes,but no one should be proclaiming dates and times that do not exist.The W.B.T.S. wrote about 20 false Armageddon dates,what in the hell is that?If the governing body/faithfull and discreet slave class was given all of Jesus belongings since the W.T.B.S. false date of 1919 as well,does that mean that Jesus gave the wrong information the slave for 100 years now?The W.B.T.S. has a 100% prophecy failer rate people,not even one of them came true,not even by accident!That doesn't make them look to good,and a religion that keeps changing their teachings every other year for 120 years shows me that God is not using them as his (((((((((((((((((((only true religion)))))))))))))))))))))).Jesus said that if no one declared the good news,that the angels flying in mid heaven would preach Gods word ok!Anybody but these clowns ok!Hehehe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol,,,,,,,,,,,well !!!!
They'll say that for it to come,"as a thief in the night",we wouldn't be expecting it. So,by expecting it by 2014 it couldn't possibly be then,lol.
But,I already see the decline in many areas,low meeting attendance,low field service turnouts. There are still a zealous few ,but I see most going through the routine and getting by on as little as possible.