Don't know where to turn, Don't know who to trust

by BrotherPrince 58 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Matsimus

    Hello and welcome to this forum :) I hope you will allow me to disagree with you about some things. The world isn't getting worse when watching the big perspective. There might be some economic problems in the world, but it was far worse in the 1920's. Here in Norway I can't say that we actually experience any of the problems either. Central Europe hasn't been at war since the end of the second world war, and the last time we had peace like that was pax romana back in the roman days with Caesar Augustus. I recommend you to read something that is not published by the Watchtower inc. It is always easier to make a decision when you know both sides of the story.


  • Ding


    I mean, I hear about the change of doctrince, their dishonesty about the changes etc, what do they get from all of it?

    Power and importance.

    Why do they change doctrines?

    1. Sometimes they are forced to it by circumstances.

    If you publish that World War I is Armageddon, as Russell did, you have to get "new light" when it turns out you were wrong.

    Your only other option is to say that you really don't speak for Jehovah like you thought you did.

    If you say the 1914 generation will not pass away before Armageddon comes, you have to change some doctrine when it becomes obvious 98 years later that Armageddon hasn't come. So you redefine "generation."

    2. Sometimes they change because of personnel changes.

    The organization isn't a being. It's a corporation by fallible men, and the personnel changes over time.

    Russell believed and taught that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was "God's stone witness" and that its measurments verified his end times chronology.

    Rutherford didn't believe that and taught that the Great Pyramid and pyramidology were from Satan.

    Rutherford taught that the "governing authorities" of Romans 13:1 were Jehovah and Jesus, not earthly governments.

    Knorr disagreed and taught that the governing authorities were the earthly governments.

    As far as "if not the Watchtower Society, then which organization" is concerned, you are falling into the WT trap of thinking that God has to pick an organization and only one organization through which to operate. The Bible says that because of Solomon's apostasy, God allow the kingdom to be split in two. Yet they were both His people. The fact that someone is organized, doesn't mean that he has just one organization or that he has an organization at all.

  • Hortensia

    well, Hi!

    The thing is, you're still reciting things you have been taught by the wtbts as though they are true. Is the world really getting worse all the time? Are JWs the only ones who preach god's word? Is there any proof that there is a god? What about all the evidence that scientists uncover all the time about evolution? You've been out in "the world" for a while; are the people you meet really as bad as the wtbts paints them? Do you really think that god, if there is one, would destroy most of the population of earth just to make a point? Have you read anything about the historocity of the bible from any other source than the wtbts?

  • watson

    Violent crime is down 40% in the US....of course we incarcerate 2.5 million individuals, but hey, it's down!!

  • Vanderhoven7

    Brother Prince,

    I hope you enjoy and benefit from your time here.

    The religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is not biblical. Every doctrine which is original to the organization is in fact extra-biblical. This includes their foundation myths about the selection of the FDS, their 2 class salvation theology and their extra-biblical criteria for Christian baptism.

    I believe the Bible is the word of God...and that the WTBTS promotes counterfeit/man-made religion.

    Jesus never asked people to join a religion or a man-made, man-run organization. He calls us into fellowship with the Father and with himself.

  • umadevi

    welcome brotherprince! When I first realized the truth about the 'truth' I too felt lost. My humble suggestion is that read some books on cult mind control and take time to enjoy your freedom. If you still feel that you need to get attached to an org or religion, then do a thorough research. I have discovered that all religions have a certain control over the members.

  • mrquik

    Hi Bro; If you want to get a full perspective of the meaning of life, you've come to the right forum. We all have our opinions which we will gladly share with you. Refreshingly, most of us recognize that these are, as advertised, our opinions. You have the right to pick & choose your own life course. Ask us questions & any one of us will be happy to give you our experience & knowledge. You'll be delighted to know that there are a number of elders, servants, pioneeers & Bethelites here. In the interim; Live Well......Enjoy Life.

  • uninformed
  • Fernando

    Hey BrotherPrince!

    Welcome to JWN. I wish you many fruitful discussions and possibly a few good friends along the way.

    We are a mixed bag here including those that have for now at least given up on God. Some are hurting and angry. Others are at peace. It's a journey.

    I share your orientation.

    I too struggle to think of a better religion than the WBTS.

    There is one simple problem though.

    Religion leads us to religion.

    The gospel leads us to God.

    The gospel is the exact opposite of religion.

    The "god of religion" and the "God of Abraham" are enemies.

    So the answer to your problem and question is very simple. The "God of Abraham" has left you a MAP which leads to him and a relationship with him through his son the real Jesus. This MAP has at least 30 markers on it. These markers are best discovered in prayer for repentance (awareness of my dysfunction and need to be saved from it) and prayer for faith (a wide opening of my spiritual eyes).

    The MAP has several names in English. It is called the gospel, the good news, the good message, the evangel, glad tidings, or sacred secret.

    What may help is for you to search for all 152 occurrences of the phrase "good news" in the New World Translation and mark it in your Bible. You can use the Watchtower library on CD to do this. Or you can use sites such as and . Or you can download certain Bible versions. For an Android smartphone you can go to the "Play Store" (App Store) icon on your desktop and download/install MySword. The search facility is quite good too.

    Two of the most powerful markers on this MAP are IMPUTED righteousness (justification) and IMPUTED holiness (sanctification). You may want to find and read everything Paul wrote on righteous/ness and how we said we can be right with God. You will find it conflicts with the works-righteousness and merits-righteousness effectively taught by all religion/ists.

    Another marker is that ALL our sins, past, present and future are forgiven when we are granted repentance and faith in the MAP by God.

    May you enjoy an awesome journey and spiritual awakening.

    Your brother in Christ


    PS - some videos below may be very useful on the journey.

  • Fernando

    (Psalm 118:8) . . .It is better to take refuge in Jehovah Than to trust in earthling man.

    (Psalm 146:3) . . .Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.

    (Jeremiah 17:5) . . .This is what Jehovah has said: “Cursed is the able-bodied man who puts his trust in earthling man . . .

    (Proverbs 8:36) . . .But the one missing me [Jesus] is doing violence to his soul; all those intensely hating me [Jesus] are the ones that do love death.”

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