You're Never Good Enough

by Ding 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    I've talked with a number of JWs who have commented that they feel like failures -- that they're never good enough.

    If that resonates with someone reading this post, please realize that you are by no means the only one who feels like that.

    In fact, the whole WT system DEPENDS on keeping JWs feeling that way. The GB WANTS you to feel that way.

    Think about it. You are always reading or hearing about someone who puts in an extraordinary number of hours in field service or someone who goes out more than you do despite having twice as many challenges and responsibilities. You feel ashamed. The fact is that no matter how many hours you go out in service, you could have done more. The organization uses that to guilt you and drive you to do more.

    Likewise with meeting attendance.

    You may also be plagued by some persistent sin in your life, maybe something no one else even knows about. You live in Romans 7:18-19: "I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. 19 For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do."

    You think your life is the biggest disappointment Jehovah ever experienced.

    Armageddon is always just around the corner, and you're worried that you're not going to pass the test.

    You look around the Kingdom Hall and you feel like a failure.

    Guess what? Most of the people around you feel the same way! They may put on a smile but inwardly they feel the same as you do!

    The Watchtower religion is a very legalistic system. The GB believes you must be driven by guilt and fear or you wouldn't do anything worth doing. So they keep you constantly feeling this way. The picture the organization paints of God is of an angry Jehovah who is never satisfied with you.

    No, you're not perfect, but your constant feelings of failure are not what the Christian life is supposed to be.

    In contrast to all this, in Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus said: "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

    In John 10:10, Jesus said, "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

    Something is wrong. Why aren't you experiencing what Jesus promised?

    Could it be that the problem is with the WT system and not with you?

    Could it be that the WT religion is a counterfeit Christianity, that it's legalism, not liberty, that it's anything BUT "life everlasting in freedom of the sons of God"?

    Please consider that the key to the Christian life is Jesus Christ and his pardon and forgiveness, NOT some "theocratic organization" with its never-ending demands and guilt-trips.

  • Chariklo

    It's all because of the great lie perpetrated by the Watchtower.

    They teach that only we can make ourselves acceptable to God. That is the most wicked lie.

    God, who made us and loves us, each one, as his dear children and his creation, loves us just as we are.

    Matthew 10:29-31

  • Knowsnothing

    I'm sorry Ding, but perhaps the "you're never good enough" also comes from the Bible? Always having to please an angry God? Never measuring up because we were born "sinners"?

  • lilbluekitty

    Jehovah's Witnesses have no understanding of grace. :frowning:

  • Finkelstein

    Unlike other Christian based religions the WTS. imposes guilt onto its members mostly relating to not spending enough time distributing their

    published literature. Or not looking and acting completely to the pretentious image of the WTS. organization to which it enforces

    among its sales representatives.

    Guilt and fear goes a long way in religions to persuade people to do what you want them to do.

  • Chariklo

    That's the Old Testament God, isn't it, Knowsnothing?

    JW's excel in emphasising that side of God. They ignore the New Testament, or rather, they twist it round to say the same as the Old, whereas Christ brought a new message of a loving father in heaven.

    Yes, Finkelstein, because it is a publishing commpany, a corporation designed to amass wealth here on earth.

  • Nambo

    Proves they have no conception of Love, that they certainly do not have the mind of Christ. Otherwise they would realise thier tactics are actually counter-productive.

    I used to feel so close to God, so gratefull, that I would come home from work, clean up, and go out on the field service on my own, I did it for God and it was voluntary, not for men as I didnt realise at that stage the societies position.

    It gradually dawned on me however, via the societies teaching from the platform, that I must have been mistaken in thinking God loved me and I loved him back, I learned that he was a slave master who was never happy because I never did enough.

    Funny enough, the result of that was my ministry went down, in both quantity and quality, I certainly no longer enjoyed it, and niether did Jehovah for it was no longer a gift I could give him, but a chore he demanded I do.

  • Knowsnothing
    That's the Old Testament God, isn't it, Knowsnothing?
    JW's excel in emphasising that side of God. They ignore the New Testament, or rather, they twist it round to say the same as the Old, whereas Christ brought a new message of a loving father in heaven.

    God went from being one of the most punitive, rancorous, petty beings to love, because he sent Jesus Christ? I don't buy it. I thought God was "unchanging in his righteous ways."

    I also don't buy that we don't measure up since the minute we are born, because we are "sinners".

  • tec

    God is unchanging. Therefore it is man's understanding of Him that changed. Not God, Himself. One of the reasons we needed Christ, the image of God - to show us the Truth.



  • Knowsnothing
    God is unchanging. Therefore it is man's understanding of Him that changed.

    You can't back that up, at least scripturally. OT=Law. NT=mercy/grace.

    OT=eye for an eye/captial punishment. NT=forgiveness of sins.


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